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"System Message 9891" error when you change the Windows user account ID

This article helps fix the System Message 9891 that occurs when you try to change the Windows user account ID.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011, Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011 Service Pack 1, Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011 Service Pack 2
Original KB number:   2953134


Consider the following scenario in Microsoft Dynamics SL:

  • You create and save a new user who has a Windows Account ID in User Maintenance (95.260.00).

  • When you go back in to User Maintenance (95.260.00) and try to change the users Windows Account ID, you receive the following error message:

    System Message 9891 -User is the default Microsoft Dynamics SL user for domain\windows account, please define a new default Microsoft Dynamics SL user for domain\windows account before deleting or updating User.


  • Option 1

    You can delete the user IF that is the only SL User ID tied to the given Windows Account ID. If you first try to do what the error message says and set up a second user, then you still cannot update the original user and now you will be unable to delete it either. You would have to delete the second user first, and then delete the original user, and then re-setup the new user.

  • Option 2

    Make sure that you have a current backup of your database before you run the SQL statement that is shown here.

    update UserRec set WindowsUserAcct = 'New domain/username' where UserId = 'users SL id'
    New domain/username = replace with your new domain and username
    users SL id = replace with your Microsoft Dynamics SL user ID

More information

The problem was corrected in Microsoft Dynamics SL 2015.