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Visual Basic: RichTextBox Control

RichTextBox Control Constants

See Also

Appearance Property

Constant Value Description
rtfFlat 0 Flat. Paints without visual effects.
rtfThreeD 1 (Default). 3D. Paints with three-dimensional effects.

Find Method

Constant Value Description
rtfWholeWord 2 Determines if a match is based on a whole word or a fragment of a word.
rtfMatchCase 4 Determines if a match is based on the case of the specified string as well as the text of the string.
rtfNoHighlight 8 Determines if a match appears highlighted in the RichTextBox control.

Loadfile, Savefile Methods

Constant Value Description
rtfRTF 0 (Default) RTF. The file loaded must be a valid .rtf file (LoadFile method) or the contents in the control are saved to an .rtf file (SaveFile method).
rtfText 1 Text. The RichTextBox control loads any text file (LoadFile method) or the contents in the control are saved to a text file (SaveFile method).

Mousepointer Property

Constant Value Description
rtfDefault 0 (Default) Shape determined by the object.
rtfArrow 1 Arrow.
rtfCross 2 Cross (cross-hair pointer).
rtfIbeam 3 I Beam.
rtfIcon 4 Icon (small square within a square).
rtfSize 5 Size (four-pointed arrow pointing north, south, east, and west).
rtfSizeNESW 6 Size NE SW (double arrow pointing northeast and southwest).
rtfSizeNS 7 Size N S (double arrow pointing north and south).
rtfSizeNWSE 8 Size NW, SE.
rtfSizeEW 9 Size E W (double arrow pointing east and west).
rtfUpArrow 10 Up Arrow.
rtfHourglass 11 Hourglass (wait).
rtfNoDrop 12 No Drop.
rtfArrowHourglass 13 Arrow and hourglass.
rtfArrowQuestion 14 Arrow and question mark.
rtfSizeAll 15 Size all.
rtfCustom 99 Custom icon specified by the MouseIcon property.

Selalignment Property

Constant Value Description
rtfLeft 0 (Default) Left. The paragraph is aligned along the left margin.
rtfRight 1 Right. The paragraph is aligned along the right margin.
rtfCenter 2 Center. The paragraph is centered between the left and right margins.

Scrollbars Property

Constant Value Description
rtfNone 0 (Default) None.
rtfHorizontal 1 Horizontal scroll bar only.
rtfVertical 2 Vertical scroll bar only.
rtfBoth 3 Both horizontal and vertical scroll bars.