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Visual Basic: RDO Data Control

Refresh Method Example

The following example illustrates use of the Refresh method to rebuild an rdoResultset on the RemoteData control. The example resets the SQL property with a new query built using the concatenation technique. When the Refresh method is executed, the query is re-executed. Since the Connect property is not changed for each invocation of the Search procedure, the connection is not re-established each time it is opened only on the first invocation. When the Refresh method is complete, the bound controls reflect data from the columns returned by the query.

  Option Explicit
Private Sub Search_Click()
On Error GoTo eh
   .Connect = "UID=;PWD=;Database=Pubs;"
   .DataSourceName = "WorkDB"
   .SQL = "Select Au_Fname " _
      & " From Authors " _
      & " Where Au_Lname like '%" _
      & AuthorWanted & "%'"
   Debug.Print .SQL
   If .Resultset.EOF Then
      MsgBox "No authors on file with that last name"
   End If
End With
Exit Sub

Dim er As rdoError
For Each er In rdoErrors
Debug.Print er
Resume Next
End Sub