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Visual Studio Core Plugins

Bonus: Try them all!

The Cordova Plugins Sampler is authored by Cordova expert and longtime Visual Studio engineer Ryan Salva (@ryansalva). Sample this supreme sampling of plugin samples and learn how to use plugins from Battery to Camera to Contacts and more.

Feel free to download the sample off Ryan's Github and play around. To open this project inside VS, go to 'File > New Project > Add project from existing code', and follow the import wizard.

Cordova Plugins Sampler

Bluetooth LE : Discover and interact with devices

Detect, connect, and interact with freeway monitors, cars, laptops, phones, TV set top-boxes and more. Notify users as they approach a restaurant that serves their favorite dish or a great promotion at a shop nearby.

Check out the Quick Guide and see how easy it is to discover devices, connect to a them, view device signal strength, supported services, battery level and more.

Scan for devices

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Geolocation: Connect users with things around them

Help users find things near them such as Groupon deals, houses for sale, movies playing, sports and entertainment events and more.

Check out the Quick Guide for a cookbook of tasks. You'll get the weather, find your location on a map, see shops nearby, and look at pictures of things around you.

Geolocation sample

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InAppBrowser: Show web pages and videos within your app

Show helpful articles, videos, and web resources inside of your app. Users view documents without leaving your app.

Check out the Quick Guide to show an article, a video, and a search page. You'll even handle errors, and inject a custom script and style.

InAppBrowser sample

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Camera: Use the device's Camera or file picker in your app

Take pictures, allow the user to choose a file on the device, get thumbnails, and display the pictures or images in your app.

Check out the Quick Guide to learn how use the Camera app and file picker.

Camera sample

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File: Create and manipulate files and directories on your device

Create, read, write to, and display files on your device. Create directories. Work with different file types such as text files and binary files.

Check out the Quick Guide to learn how to work with files on your device.

File sample

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File Transfer: Upload and download files to and from your device

Upload and download different file types such as text files and binary files, read the files, and display image files.

Check out the Quick Guide to learn how to upload and download files.

File transfer sample

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SQLite Storage: Use offline data storage

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Network Information: Respond to network status changes

Use the online and offline events and get your network connection status.

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Splashscreen: Display or hide a splash screen

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Vibration: Make the users phone vibrate

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Battery status: Monitor the available power of a device

Handle events that are raised when the user battery charge percentage changes or when they plug or unplug their phone from a power outlet.

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Notification: Notify users or prompt them to make a decision

Show dialog boxes that give users information or ask them to make a decision.

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Console: Get reliable console output

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Device: Get information about the user's device

Get the model, platform, uuid, version, manufacturer, and serial number of the user's device.

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Media: Play audio files

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Capture: Record audio, record video, or take pictures

Get access to the device’s audio, image, and video capture capabilities.

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Contacts: Find, create, and update contacts

Provides access to the device’s Contacts database.

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Whitelist: Restrict your app's access to external domains

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Device Motion: Use the device accelerometer

Detect changes in movement relative to the device’s orientation.

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Device Orientation: Use the device compass

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StatusBar: Show or hide the device StatusBar

Show or hide the StatusBar and change a few customizable properties.

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ADAL for Cordova: Authenticate your apps

Use Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) plugin to authenticate your apps.

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Azure Mobile Apps: Add a cloud-based back end

Add Azure cloud-based structured storage, user authentication, and push notifications to your apps.

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HockeyApp: Add crash reporting, beta distribution, and user metrics to your app.

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Globalization: Get information about the user’s locale and time zone

Perform operations that are specific to that locale and time zone.

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CrossWalk Webview Engine: get the same WebView for different Android versions

Use the Crosswalk WebView instead of the system WebView, get some new capabilities and performance benefits.

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CodePush: Update your apps on-the-fly

Push updated HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and resource files to your published Cordova apps.

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