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Microsoft.Expression.Encoder Namespace


Class Description
ArgumentErrorException Base exception used when an invalid argument is passed
AsfIndexer Class used to index an ASF file.
AudioStreamData Audio stream data.
AudioVideoFile An audio/video input.
Clip A source clip in the list of cuts
ClipCollection A collection of source clips.
ClipsErrorException Exception that is thrown when invalid source clip information is specified.
CodecErrorException The exception used when a codec error has occurred.
CompileAssemblyErrorException Exception that is generated when an error occurs compiling a preset or template.
ConvertErrorException Error Exception used inside the transcoder for errors that should be shown to the user.
DrmErrorException Error Exception that is thrown if a file with DRM is imported.
EncodeCompletedEventArgs Class that specifies any arguments to the EncodeCompleted event
EncodeErrorException An exception that is thrown when an error occurs during encode.
EncodeProgressEventArgs Contains the arguments of the encode progress event.
EncoderCollection Base collection class for the objects
EncoderObject Base class for undoable objects. Handles the FieldsChanged Event.
EncodeThumbnailProgressEventArgs Contains the arguments of the encode progress event.
ErrorException Bases class of exceptions thrown by Expression Encoder.
FeatureNotAvailableException Exception that is thrown if a feature is called that is not available in the installed SKU
FileIOErrorException Exception that is thrown if an error occurs reading or writing to a file.
ImageFile An image input.
IndexingErrorException Exception that is thrown when an error occurs indexing a file.
IndexProgressEventArgs Class that is used to show progress when a file is being indexed.
InvalidJobException Exception that is thrown if an invalid job is loaded
InvalidJobTemplateException Exception that is thrown when a preset is invalid.
InvalidLicensingException Exception that is thrown when a licensing error has occurred.
InvalidMediaFileException Exception that is thrown when an invalid media file is passed in.
InvalidOperationErrorException Invalid operation error.
Job Class that contains a job of media items that can be encoded.
JobBase A job, which is a list of files and other properties
JobTemplateArgumentErrorException Exception that is thrown when a preset contains an invalid argument
Marker Class that represents a Marker.
MediaFile A source input.
MediaItem Holds all the info we track on a per item
MediaItemCollection Items to encode.
MetadataCollection A class used to hold a collection of Metadata.
MetadataNames Class that holds the predefined metadata names.
MetadataValues Class that contains the pre-defined metadata values for the primary and secondary class id.
MetadataValues.PrimaryClassId Class that contains the pre-defined metadata values for the primary class id.
MetadataValues.SecondaryClassId Class that contains the pre-defined metadata values for the secondary class id.
Mode Used to determine if we are an Express SKU or not.
MP4OutputFormat Used to specify that the MP4 format should be used as the output encoding format.
OutputFile Data about a single output file
OutputFileCollection Collection of output files
OutputFormat The base class used to specify the output format.
Preset The class that represents a preset on disk.
PresetNotFoundException Exception that is thrown when a preset can't be found.
ProfileArgumentErrorException Exception that is thrown if an invalid value is passed to one of the profile properties.
ProfileNotFoundException Exception that is thrown when a profile can't be found
ScriptCommand Class that represents a script command.
Source An input source for the MediaItem.
SourceCollection A collection of media sources making up a MediaItem.
StartFileEncodingEventArgs Contains the arguments to the start file name encoding event
SystemErrorException Exception that is thrown if an unexpected error is returned from the system.
TemplateArgumentErrorException Exception that is thrown when a template has an invalid argument
TemplateCreationErrorException Exception that is thrown when there is an error creating a template
UnableToCreateThumbnailException Exception that is thrown when an error occurs generating a thumbnail.
UnindexedFileException The exception that is thrown when an unindexed file is imported.
VideoStreamData Video Stream data
WindowsMediaOutputFormat Specifies that the Windows Media format should be used as the output encoding format.
XmlErrorException Exception that is thrown if an invalid Xml file is encountered.


Interface Description
ISortableCollection Interface used to store a list of markers or script commands.
ISortableCollection Interface used to store a list of markers or script commands.


Structure Description
MetadataName Stores information about a Metadata type.


Enumeration Description
DeinterlaceMode Specifies whether the source should be deinterlaced and if so how it should be deinterlaced.
EncoderSku Expression Encoder SKU.
ErrorLogSeverity Indicates the type of message in the error log
FileType The type of media files.
ItemStatus The media item status.
OutputFileType Type of output files that are created.
OutputMode Specifies the format of the output file.
OverlayLayoutMode The type of Overlay layout to do.
ResizeQuality The algorithm to be used when resizing the video.
ScriptCommandOutput Specifies where the script commands should be saved.
ThumbnailMode The type of thumbnail to create.
VideoComplexity Specify a number for the encode complexity of the video stream. This value can range from Fastest (0) to Best (5). The higher numbers will produce higher quality video but can require substantially more processing time. 0 and 1 are optimized for live encoding where you need to process the frames in real-time and 2-5 are optimized for offline encoding.
VideoResizeMode Specifies how the video should be resized to fit the output size.

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