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Media Content or Sources panel

This panel lists all the source media that you import. If you are in a Transcoding Project, this panel is called the Media Content panel. If you are in a Silverlight Project, this panel is called the Sources panel. Both panels have identical features. The media list in either of these panels represents the files that Microsoft Expression Encoder will process when you initiate encoding. This collective list is called a job. You can save this list as an individual job file. You can also initiate the encoding process from this panel. You can add additional clips to the original source clips, but those added clips will be displayed in the Clips panel.

The Media Content or Sources panel

Media Content panel


Media Content or Sources tab   Click this tab to view all the files that you have imported for the current job.


Activity Log tab   Click this tab to check the details and status of each import. The log also displays any errors in loading user static assets, such as user profiles and templates.


Import button   Click this button to import your media.


Encode button   After you have modified your video and added templates, trailers, and overlays, click this button to begin encoding your video or audio.


Thumbnail View button   Click this button to view your content as a group of thumbnails.


Details View button   Click this button to view your content in a list, with columns displaying details about each file.

In addition, if you click the Details View button, the Media Content panel includes the following columns:

  • Thumbnail   Displays a frame from the image.

  • Name   Displays the file name of the video.

  • File type   Displays whether the file contains audio, video, or both.

  • Status   Displays "Ready" to indicate that the file awaits encoding. During encoding, this column displays the time remaining for the encoding to finish. Once encoding is completed, this column displays "Encode complete."

  • Source   Displays the path of the original video.

  • Target   Displays the file name of the encoded video.

  • Source duration   Displays the duration of the source file.

  • Source file size   Displays the size of the source file.

  • Source dimensions   Displays the width and height of the source video.

  • Source frame rate   Displays the source video frame rate.

  • Encode started   Displays the date and time that the last encoding began.

  • Encode stopped   Displays the date and time that the last encoding ended.


You can rearrange the order of the columns in the Media Content panel by dragging the column name to a new location in the row.

See also


Import media

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