WEB1053 - The URL in the hyperlink is not lowercase

All URLs should be lowercase.


All hyperlinks in a site should have the same format and should include the full URL and path of the file or site. All hyperlinks should include an accurate top-level domain prefix, such as "www.", "blog.", and so on.


All hyperlinks in a site should have the same format and should include the full URL and path of the file.

Different links to the same home page are indexed as separate pages by search engines. For example, "https://www.ProseWare.com/", "HTTP://WWW.PROSEWARE.COM/", and "https://www.proseware.com/default.html" would be analyzed as pointing to three separate pages.


The following is an example of a correctly formatted hyperlink.

<a href="https://www.proseware.com/">Proseware Home</a>

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