SerializationStatus.Status Enumeration
[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]
Indicates the error code that occurred during the serialization of the constraint system.
Namespace: Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Solvers
Assembly: Microsoft.Solver.Foundation (in Microsoft.Solver.Foundation.dll)
Public Enumeration Status
public enum Status
public enum class Status
type Status
public enum Status
Member name | Description | |
INTERNALERROR | Cannot handle an error in the parser. | |
WRITEFAILED | Cannot write to the output stream during a save operation. | |
UNABLETOPARSEMODEL | Cannot parse a model. | |
UNABLETOPARSEHEADER | Cannot parse the header block. | |
UNABLETOPARSEUNARYTERM | Cannot parse a unary operator. | |
UNABLETOPARSETERMNAME | Cannot parse a term name. | |
UNABLETOPARSEDOMAIN | Cannot parse a domain. | |
UNABLETOPARSELINE | Cannot parse a line in the input stream. | |
UNABLETOPARSENUMBER | Cannot parse a number. | |
UNABLETOPARSESTRING | Cannot parse a string. | |
NOSYMBOLSINSET | Cannot parse symbols in a symbol set. | |
NOINTSINSET | Cannot parse integers in an integer set. | |
UNABLETOPARSEVARIABLE | Cannot parse a variable line. | |
UNABLETOPARSEMULTITERM | Cannot parse multiple terms in one line. | |
UNABLETOPARSESYMBOL | Cannot parse a symbol reference. | |
UNABLETOPARSECONSTRAINT | Cannot parse a constraint line. | |
UNABLETOPARSEMOFN | Cannot parse an M of N term. | |
UNABLETOPARSEPOWER | Cannot parse a power term. | |
UNABLETOPARSEINDEX | Cannot parse an index term. | |
UNABLETOPARSESYMBOLREF | Cannot parse a symbol reference. | |
DUPLICATEVARNAME | Detected a duplicate variable name. | |
INVALIDNUMTERMSIMPLIES | Invalid number of terms in the implies operator. | |
UNABLETOPARSENONDECISIVE | Cannot parse nondecisive tokens. | |
NONDECISIVEPARSE | Error parsing non-decisive tokens. | |
OK | The operation was successful. | |
UNABLETOPARSEISELEMENTOF | Cannot parse an IsElementOf term. |