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Advanced Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to specify additional characteristics for your web page. You can specify formatting and objects from cascading style sheets(.css) and add Additional HTML items that can include headings, text, or other web page items and characteristics.

  • Specify the changes you want to make to the visual style you selected.
  • Use the Load Settings button to access a saved layout or to remove a saved layout you no longer want.
  • Use the Save Settings button to keep your visual style changes in a file to use later.
  • Cascading Style Sheet
    Specify or locate a cascading style sheet (.css) file to use for your Web page.

  • Body
    Color Specify a color from the list to use for the body background. This option overrides any color specified in the selected data layout or visual style.

Image Specify or locate an image file to display on your web page.

Copy Graphics to Output Location

Enables you to specify that any graphic files used in your data layout or visual style are copied to the same location as your web page file.

Additional HTML Items

This section enables you to add web tags for formatting, text, and references to your web page.


Opens the HTML Item Dialog Box so that you can specify additional HTML items and formatting for your web page.

Edit Button

Opens the HTML Item Dialog Box so that you can edit the selected HTML item for your web page.

Remove Button

Click the Remove button to delete the selected HTML item from your web page.

See Also

Web Publishing Wizard: Step 3 – Choose Style | Wizards Overview | HTML Item Dialog Box | Layout Options Dialog Box | Web Publishing Wizard