Header Object Properties, Methods, and Events
Click | DblClick | Destroy |
Error | Init | MiddleClick Event |
MouseDown | MouseEnter | MouseLeave |
MouseMove | MouseUp | MouseWheel |
RightClick |
AddProperty | ReadExpression | ReadMethod |
Refresh | ResetToDefault | SaveAsClass |
WriteExpression | WriteMethod |
The following example uses the Header object with the Caption property to change the caption of the first header in a grid.
A Grid control is placed on a form and the customer
table is opened and its contents displayed in the grid. The Header object and the Caption property are used to specify a different header caption (Customer ID) for the first header in the grid.
The SetAll method is used with the DynamicBackColor property to specify the background colors for the records. If the number of a record displayed in the grid is even, the record's DynamicBackColor is white, otherwise its DynamicBackColor is green. A command button is placed on the form to close the form.
CLOSE ALL && Close tables and databases
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
USE customer IN 0 && Opens Customer table
frmMyForm = CREATEOBJECT('form') && Create a form
frmMyForm.Closable = .f. && Disable the window pop-up menu
frmMyForm.AddObject('cmdCommand1','cmdMyCmdBtn') && Add Command button
frmMyForm.AddObject('grdGrid1','Grid') && Add Grid control
frmMyForm.grdGrid1.Left = 25 && Adjust Grid position
frmMyForm.grdGrid1.SetAll("DynamicBackColor", ;
"IIF(MOD(RECNO( ), 2)=0, RGB(255,255,255) ;
, RGB(0,255,0))", "Column") && Alternate white and green records
frmMyForm.grdGrid1.Visible = .T. && Grid control visible
frmMyForm.cmdCommand1.Visible =.T. && "Quit" Command button visible
frmMyForm.grdGrid1.Column1.Header1.Caption = 'Customer ID'
frmMyForm.SHOW && Display the form
READ EVENTS && Start event processing
DEFINE CLASS cmdMyCmdBtn AS CommandButton && Create Command button
Caption = '\<Quit' && Caption on the Command button
Cancel = .T. && Default Cancel Command button (Esc)
Left = 125 && Command button column
Top = 210 && Command button row
Height = 25 && Command button height
CLEAR EVENTS && Stop event processing, close form
CLOSE ALL && Close table and database