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OptionGroup Control Properties, Methods, and Events


Application AutoSize BackColor
BackStyle BaseClass BorderColor
BorderStyle ButtonCount Buttons
Class ClassLibrary Comment
ColorSource Property ControlSource DragIcon
DragMode Enabled Height
HelpContextID Left MemberClass
MemberClassLibrary MouseIcon MousePointer
Name Objects OLEDragMode
OLEDragPicture OLEDropEffects OLEDropHasData Property
OLEDropMode Parent ParentClass
SpecialEffect StatusBarText TabIndex
Tag TerminateRead Themes
ToolTipText Top Value
Visible WhatsThisHelpID Width


AddObject AddProperty CloneObject
Drag Move OLEDrag
ReadExpression ReadMethod Refresh
RemoveObject ResetToDefault SaveAsClass
SetAll WriteExpression WriteMethod


Click DblClick DragDrop
DragOver Error ErrorMessage
Init InteractiveChange Message
MiddleClick Event MouseDown MouseEnter
MouseLeave MouseMove MouseUp
MouseWheel OLECompleteDrag OLEDragDrop
OLEDragOver OLEGiveFeedBack OLESetData
OLEStartDrag ProgrammaticChange RightClick
UIEnable Valid When


The following example creates an OptionGroup control and places the control on a form. The OptionGroup control has three buttons, and depending on the option button you click, a circle, ellipse, or square is displayed. The Buttons and Caption properties are used to specify the text displayed next to each option button.

The Shape control is used to create the circle, ellipse, and square. The OptionGroup control's Click event uses a DO CASE ... ENDCASE structure and the Value property to display the appropriate shape when you click an option button.

frmMyForm = CREATEOBJECT('Form')  && Create a Form
frmMyForm.Closable = .F.  && Disable the Control menu box 

frmMyForm.AddObject('cmdCommand1','cmdMyCmndBtn')  && Add Command button
frmMyForm.AddObject('opgOptionGroup1','opgMyOptGrp') && Add Option Group
frmMyForm.AddObject('shpCircle1','shpMyCircle')  && Add Circle Shape
frmMyForm.AddObject('shpEllipse1','shpMyEllipse')  && Add Ellipse Shape
frmMyForm.AddObject('shpSquare','shpMySquare')  && Add Box Shape

frmMyForm.cmdCommand1.Visible =.T.  && "Quit" Command button visible

frmMyForm.opgOptionGroup1.Buttons(1).Caption = "\<Circle"
frmMyForm.opgOptionGroup1.Buttons(2).Caption = "\<Ellipse"
frmMyForm.opgOptionGroup1.Buttons(3).Caption = "\<Square"
frmMyForm.opgOptionGroup1.SetAll("Width", 100) && Set Option group width
frmMyForm.opgOptionGroup1.Visible = .T.  && Option Group visible
frmMyForm.opgOptionGroup1.Click  && Show the circle

frmMyForm.SHOW  && Display the form
READ EVENTS  && Start event processing

DEFINE CLASS opgMyOptGrp AS OptionGroup  && Create an Option Group
   ButtonCount = 3  && Three Option buttons
   Top = 10
   Left = 10
   Height = 75
   Width = 100

      ThisForm.shpCircle1.Visible = .F.  && Hide the circle
      ThisForm.shpEllipse1.Visible = .F.  && Hide the ellipse
      ThisForm.shpSquare.Visible = .F.  && Hide the square
      DO CASE
         CASE ThisForm.opgOptionGroup1.Value = 1
            ThisForm.shpCircle1.Visible = .T. && Show the circle
         CASE ThisForm.opgOptionGroup1.Value = 2 
            ThisForm.shpEllipse1.Visible = .T.  && Show the ellipse
         CASE ThisForm.opgOptionGroup1.Value = 3 
            ThisForm.shpSquare.Visible = .T.  && Show the square

DEFINE CLASS cmdMyCmndBtn AS CommandButton  && Create Command button
   Caption = '\<Quit'  && Caption on the Command button
   Cancel = .T.  && Default Cancel Command button (Esc)
   Left = 125  && Command button column
   Top = 210  && Command button row
   Height = 25  && Command button height

      CLEAR EVENTS  && Stop event processing, close Form

DEFINE CLASS shpMyCircle AS SHAPE  && Create a circle
   Top = 10
   Left = 200
   Width = 100
   Height = 100
   Curvature = 99
   BackColor = RGB(255,0,0)  && Red

DEFINE CLASS shpMyEllipse AS SHAPE  && Create an ellipse
   Top = 35
   Left = 200
   Width = 100
   Height = 50
   Curvature = 99
   BackColor = RGB(0,128,0)  && Green

DEFINE CLASS shpMySquare AS SHAPE  && Create a square
   Top = 10
   Left = 200
   Width = 100
   Height = 100
   Curvature = 0
   BackColor = RGB(0,0,255)  && Blue

See Also

OptionGroup Control | DO CASE ... ENDCASE Command