ChildTable Property
Contains an object reference to a child XMLTable object. Read/write.
Property Values
Object reference. ChildTable contains an object reference to a child XMLTable object and null (.NULL.) when not populated.
For nested tables in SQL XML, Visual FoxPro populates the ChildTable property with information about the nested tables involved in the join operation. However, XMLAdapter does not assign the ChildTable property when working with ADO.NET DataSets. For more information about how XMLAdapter treats nested tables for ADO.NET DataSet and SQL XML data sources, see XMLAdapter Class.
The following example illustrates how an XMLAdapter object treats the Orders
table as child table for the Customers
table and the Order_details
table as a child table for the Orders
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Schema name="Schema1" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data" xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes">
<ElementType name="Customers" content="eltOnly" model="closed" order="many">
<element type="Orders" maxOccurs="*"/>
<element type="CustomerID"/>
<element type="CompanyName"/>
<ElementType name="CustomerID" content="textOnly" model="closed" dt:type="string"/>
<ElementType name="CompanyName" content="textOnly" model="closed" dt:type="string"/>
<ElementType name="Orders" content="eltOnly" model="closed" order="many">
<element type="Order_details" maxOccurs="*"/>
<element type="OrderID"/>
<element type="OrderDate"/>
<element type="ShipName"/>
<ElementType name="OrderID" content="textOnly" model="closed" dt:type="i4"/>
<ElementType name="OrderDate" content="textOnly" model="closed" dt:type="dateTime"/>
<ElementType name="ShipName" content="textOnly" model="closed" dt:type="string"/>
<ElementType name="Order_details" content="eltOnly" model="closed" order="many">
<element type="ProductID"/>
<element type="UnitPrice"/>
<element type="Quantity"/>
<ElementType name="ProductID" content="textOnly" model="closed" dt:type="i4"/>
<ElementType name="UnitPrice" content="textOnly" model="closed" dt:type="fixed.14.4"/>
<ElementType name="Quantity" content="textOnly" model="closed" dt:type="i2"/>
<Customers xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1">
<CompanyName>Cactus Comidas para llevar</CompanyName>
<ShipName>Cactus Comidas para llevar</ShipName>
See Also
Properties | XMLTable Object Properties, Methods, and Events
Applies To: XMLTable Class