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SYS(2339) - Call CoFreeUnusedLibraries when COM object is released

Sets or returns whether Visual FoxPro calls the operating system function CoFreeUnusedLibraries when a COM object is released.

SYS(2339 [, 0 | 1 ])


  • 0
    Specifies that CoFreeUnusedLibraries is not called (default).
  • 1
    Specifies that CoFreeUnusedLibraries is called.

Return Value



If you have problems releasing a COM server even though all references are released, you might need to change this setting. You can also use Declare-DLL to call CoFreeUnusedLIbraries directly.

See Also

VFP8R.DLL Run-Time Library | VFP8T.DLL Run-Time Library | BUILD MTDLL Command | DECLARE - DLL Command