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Listening to a Report 

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Listening to a Report

Doug Hennig

Microsoft has opened the architecture of the reporting engine in Visual FoxPro 9 by having it communicate with the new ReportListener base class. By subclassing ReportListener, VFP developers can create their own customized output. This month, Doug Hennig looks at ReportListener and shows an example of how it solves a real-world problem.

As I'm sure you're aware by now, the area that received the biggest improvements in VFP 9 is the reporting system. Both the Report Designer and the reporting engine (responsible for running reports) received dramatic and exciting enhancements and new features.

	Before VFP 9, the reporting engine was monolithic: It handled everything–data handling, object positioning, rendering, previewing, and printing. The new reporting engine in VFP 9 splits responsibility for reporting between the reporting engine, which now just deals with data handling and object positioning, and a new VFP base class, ReportListener, which handles rendering and output. VFP 9 includes both the old reporting engine and the new one, so you can run reports under either engine as you see fit. Microsoft refers to the new reporting engine as "object-assisted" reporting.

Using object-assisted reporting

There are three ways you can tell VFP to use the new reporting engine:

  • 	Instantiate a ReportListener (either the base class or a subclass) and specify it in the new OBJECT clause of a REPORT or LABEL command. This is the most flexible approach because you can specify exactly which listener class to use, but it requires you to edit the existing REPORT and LABEL commands in your application.

loListener = createobject('MyReportListener') report form MyReport object MyReportListener

  • 	Specify a listener type using the OBJECT TYPE clause. There are several built-in types: 0 means print, 1 means preview, 4 means XML output, and 5 means HTML output. You can also define and use custom types.
    report form MyReport object type 1 && preview
  • 	Issue the new SET REPORTBEHAVIOR 90 command before running a report; usually, this will be placed near the start of your application so all reports use the new engine. Specifying TO PRINTER on the REPORT FORM command causes VFP to use the built-in type 0 listener; similarly, the PREVIEW keyword results in use of the type 1 listener. This is obviously more convenient than the other approaches, but it doesn't give you the level of control you get when instantiating your own listener. SET REPORTBEHAVIOR 80 to revert to the old reporting engine.

	When you run a report using either of the last two methods, the application specified in the new _REPORTOUTPUT system variable (by default, ReportOutput.APP in the VFP home directory) is called to figure out which listener class to instantiate for the specified type. ReportOutput.APP is primarily an object factory; it simply instantiates the appropriate listener. However, because it's just a VFP application, you can substitute your own application for it by setting _REPORTOUTPUT accordingly.

	Be sure to distribute ReportOutput.APP (or your replacement for it) to your users so your applications can use object-assisted reporting. Note: In runtime mode outside the VFP development environment, _REPORTOUTPUT must be explicitly set in your code to point to ReportOutput.APP or your replacement for it. The same applies to system variables _REPORTPREVIEW (ReportPreview.APP) and, if needed in your runtime application, _REPORTBUILDER (ReportBuilder.APP). There are also other ways to handle these requirements, such as putting the code from ReportOutput.APP into your project. A very helpful set of topics can be found in the VFP Help file index under "Report Output Application."

Inside ReportListener

Because ReportListener is a VFP base class, you can subclass it to implement whatever reporting behavior you wish. Before you can create your own listener class, you need to understand what properties, events, and methods (PEMs) are available. For space reasons, I'll discuss only the more important PEMs; see the VFP Help file for details on the complete set.

	One of the most important properties is ListenerType. This property tells the report listener how to do output. This property defaults to -1, which produces no output. Set it to 0 to output to a printer or 1 to output to a preview window. Specifying 2 or 3 produces interesting results; the report is run and pages are rendered in memory, but nothing is actually output. You can use these values when you want control over the type of output to create. For example, with ListenerType = 2, VFP renders the first page and calls the OutputPage method, then renders the next page and calls the OutputPage method, and so on. Using 3 for ListenerType causes all pages to be rendered to memory, but OutputPage isn't automatically called for each page, allowing you to call OutputPage to ask for the pages from memory as needed (and in any order).

	Before a report is actually run, the reporting engine opens a copy of the report as a read-only cursor named FRX in a private datasession. The ID for this datasession is stored in the FRXDataSession property of ReportListener. If you need access to the data being reported on, the CurrentDataSession property tells you which datasession to use.

	The CommandClauses property contains a reference to an object containing properties with information about how the report is being run. For example, its Preview property is .T. if the report is being previewed and its OutputTo property is 1 if the report is being printed.

	The reporting engine fires events of the report listener as the report is run. There are also some methods available that you can call as necessary. Some of the more important events and methods are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Some of the events and methods of ReportListener.

Event Description


Fired before the report is run.


Fired after the report is run.


Fired before a field is rendered.


Fired before a picture or shape is rendered.


Fired as each object is rendered.


Call this to output the specified page to the specified device.


Call this to cancel the report.

	EvaluateContents, AdjustObjectSize, and Render are especially useful because they allow you to change something about the object before it's rendered. In addition to other parameters (we'll look at them later), these events receive the record number for the current object in the FRX cursor. You can find this record in the cursor to determine whether the object should be rendered differently than normal.


The FFC subdirectory of the VFP home directory contains a new class library in VFP 9: _ReportListener.VCX. This library contains several ReportListener subclasses. You may wish to consider using one of these as the starting point for your own ReportListener subclasses because they add some very useful functionality to the base class.

	One of the most useful enhancements is support for chaining different listeners together through a successor mechanism. Setting the Successor property of one listener to a reference to another one allows both of them to interact with the report process. This means that you can write small listeners that do just one thing and hook them together as needed. The IsSuccessor property tells you whether this listener is the "lead" one (the one that the reporting engine communicates with because it's specified in the OBJECT clause of a REPORT or LABEL command).

	_ReportListener also provides several utility methods. SetFRXDataSession switches to the FRX cursor's datasession. SetCurrentDataSession switches to the datasession the report's data is in. ResetDataSession restores the datasession ID to the one the listener is in.

	Now that you have the background on report listeners, it's time for some practical examples.

Dynamic formatting

One of the first things I thought of for using a listener is dynamically formatting a field. I'm sure you've run into this before: Your client wants a field to be printed in red under some conditions and in black under others. You could do this in earlier versions of VFP by creating two copies of the same field, one in red and one in black, with mutually exclusive Print When conditions (such as AMOUNT >= 100 and AMOUNT < 100), and overlapping them on the report. While this works, it's tough to maintain, especially if you have many such fields on the report.

&#9;With a report listener, you can change the formatting for a field when the report is run rather than in the Report Designer. The key to this is the EvaluateContents event, which fires just before each field is rendered. This event is passed the record number of the current object in the FRX cursor and a reference to an object containing properties with information about the field (see Table 2).

Table 2. Properties of the oObjProperties object passed to EvaluateContents.

Property Type Description



The alpha, or transparency, of the fill color. The values range from 0 for transparent to 255 for opaque.



The blue portion of an RGB() value for the fill color.



The green portion of an RGB() value for the fill color.



The red portion of an RGB() value for the fill color.



The font name.



The font size.



A value representing the font style. Additive values of 1 (bold), 2 (italics), 4 (underlined), and 128 (strikethrough).



The alpha of the pen color.



The blue portion of an RGB() value for the pen color.



The green portion of an RGB() value for the pen color.



The red portion of an RGB() value for the pen color.



Set this to .T. to notify the report engine that you changed one or more of the other properties.



The text to be output for the field object.



The actual value of the field to output.

&#9;DynamicFormatting.PRG, included in the accompanying download, defines three classes. DynamicListener defines what a dynamic listener must do, and two subclasses, DynamicForeColorListener and DynamicStyleListener, change the foreground color and style, respectively, of a field that has a directive in its USER memo. (You can access the USER memo for a field from the Other page of the Field Properties dialog.) The directive in this example is one of the following:


&#9;ColorExpression is an expression that evaluates to an RGB value, such as IIF(AMOUNT > 50, RGB(255, 0, 0), RGB (0, 0, 0)), which means use red if the amount is more than 50 and black if not. StyleExpression is an expression that evaluates to a valid style value (see the FontStyle property in Table 2), such as IIF(AMOUNT > 50, 1, 0), which means use bold if the amount is more than 50 and normal if not.

&#9;The first task the listener must do is identify which fields have directives. Rather than doing that every time a field is evaluated, DynamicListener does it in the BeforeReport method. It selects the FRX cursor's datasession by calling SetFRXDataSession, then goes through the cursor, looking for records with the appropriate directive (specified in the .cDirective property) in the USER memo, and putting the expression following the directive into that record's element in an array.

&#9;Because DynamicListener inherits the successor features of _ReportListener (which automatically calls the BeforeReport method of all successor listeners), each of our subclasses of DynamicListener will have its own aRecords array of FRX records that match its .cDirective property. Thus, each listener can easily determine which fields it must act upon during the report run.

&#9;The next task is to apply the directive as necessary. EvaluateContents checks if the current field's array element has an expression and, if so, evaluates it. It then calls the ApplyDirective method, which is abstract in DynamicListener but implemented in its two subclasses. For example, DynamicForeColorListener sets the appropriate color properties of the toObjProperties object and sets its Reload property to .T. so the reporting engine knows the field's format was changed. Finally, since the EvaluateContents method of the _ReportListener class that this class is based on doesn't handle successors, the code calls the EvaluateContents method of its successor if there is one.

&#9;There's one other housekeeping chore: ensuring that ListenerType is set properly. The default value, -1, produces no output, and specifying PREVIEW or TO PRINTER in the REPORT or LABEL command doesn't change that. So, the LoadReport method sets ListenerType to the appropriate value if necessary.

&#9;Here's the code for these classes:


&#9;TestDynamicFormatting.PRG illustrates how to chain these listeners together so that both are used for a report.


&#9;Figure 1 shows the result of running this program. In some records the Shipped Date appears in red, and in other cases it's black. That's because it has the following directive in its USER memo:


&#9;The Ship Via field sometimes appears in bold and sometimes normal because it has the following directive in its USER memo:


&#9;(Note that although this field is numeric, it displays as "Fedex," "UPS," or "Mail" because of the expression in the field.)

What else can you do?

Just about anything you want. In future articles, I'll show you other listeners that output to image files, rotate labels, output HTML with a table of contents, and lots of other types of output.

&#9;VFP guru Ed Leafe has created a Web site ( that serves as a central repository for report listener classes. There are several sample listeners there now, and more will be uploaded as VFP developers start figuring out what types of cool things they can do with report listeners.


Microsoft has blown the lid off extensibility in VFP 9 in many ways, including in the reporting engine. Because it's a base class that you can subclass, ReportListener lets you create your own customized output. Please let me know of any cool listeners you've created or ideas you have for listeners.

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