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New APIs for Windows Phone OS 7.1

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

July 06, 2012

Applies to: Windows Phone OS 7.1

The following namespaces and classes have been added or updated for Windows Phone OS 7.1.

For more information about new features in Windows Phone OS 7.1, see:

This topic contains the following sections.

  • New APIs in Silverlight for Windows Phone OS 7.1
  • New APIs in the XNA Framework for Windows Phone OS 7.1
  • New Windows Phone namespaces
  • New Windows Phone classes
  • Updated Windows Phone classes
  • Related Topics

New APIs in Silverlight for Windows Phone OS 7.1

To view the new Silverlight APIs for Windows Phone OS 7.1, see New APIs in Silverlight for Windows Phone OS 7.1.

New APIs in the XNA Framework for Windows Phone OS 7.1

To view the new XNA Framework APIs for Windows Phone OS 7.1, see What's New in XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh.

New Windows Phone namespaces

The following namespaces have been added for Windows Phone OS 7.1.









New Windows Phone classes

The following classes have been added for Windows Phone OS 7.1.

Microsoft.Devices namespace:

Microsoft.Devices.Sensors namespace:

Microsoft.Phone namespace:

Microsoft.Phone.BackgroundAudio namespace:

Microsoft.Phone.BackgroundTransfer namespace:

Microsoft.Phone.Controls namespace:

Microsoft.Phone.Info namespace:

Microsoft.Phone.Net.NetworkInformation namespace:

Microsoft.Phone.Notification namespace:

Microsoft.Phone.Scheduler namespace:

Microsoft.Phone.Shell namespace:

Microsoft.Phone.Tasks namespace:

Microsoft.Phone.UserData namespace:

System.Data namespace:

System.Data.Common namespace:

System.Data.Services.Client namespace:

  • ChangeOperationResponse

  • DataServiceClientException

  • DataServiceCollection

  • DataServiceContext

  • DataServiceQuery

  • DataServiceQuery

  • DataServiceQueryContinuation

  • DataServiceQueryContinuation

  • DataServiceQueryException

  • DataServiceRequest

  • DataServiceRequest

  • DataServiceRequestArgs

  • DataServiceRequestException

  • DataServiceResponse

  • DataServiceState

  • DataServiceStreamResponse

  • Descriptor

  • EntityChangedParams

  • EntityCollectionChangedParams

  • EntityDescriptor

  • EntityStates

  • HttpStack

  • LinkDescriptor

  • LoadCompletedEventArgs

  • MediaEntryAttribute

  • MergeOption

  • MimeTypePropertyAttribute

  • OperationResponse

  • QueryOperationResponse

  • QueryOperationResponse

  • ReadingWritingEntityEventArgs

  • ReadingWritingHttpMessageEventArgs

  • SaveChangesOptions

  • SendingRequestEventArgs

  • TrackingMode

System.Data.Services.Common namespace:

  • DataServiceEntityAttribute

  • DataServiceKeyAttribute

  • EntityPropertyMappingAttribute

  • EntitySetAttribute

  • HasStreamAttribute

  • SyndicationItemProperty

  • SyndicationTextContentKind

System.Windows.Navigation namespace:

Updated Windows Phone classes

The following classes have had additional methods, events, or properties added for Windows Phone OS 7.1.

See Also

Other Resources

Windows Phone operating system app compatibility

Windows Phone feature history by SDK version

What's New in Silverlight for Windows Phone

New APIs in Silverlight for Windows Phone OS 7.1

What's New in XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh