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System.Web.Http.OData.Builder Namespace

The System.Web.Http.OData.Builder namespace provides classes related to OData configuration.


  Class Description
Public class ActionConfiguration ActionConfiguration represents an OData action that you wish to expose via your service.
Public class ActionLinkBuilder ActionLinkBuilder can be used to annotate an Action. This is how formatters create links to invoke bound actions.
Public class BindingParameterConfiguration Represents a BindingParameter.
Public class CollectionPropertyConfiguration CollectionPropertyConfiguration represents a CollectionProperty on either an EntityType or ComplexType.
Public class CollectionTypeConfiguration Represents a Collection of some named type. For example, Collection(Namespace.Customer) or Collection(Namespace.Adress).
Public class ComplexPropertyConfiguration Represents the configuration for a complex property of a structural type (an entity type or a complex type).
Public class ComplexTypeConfiguration Allows configuration to be performed for a complex type in a model. A ComplexTypeConfiguration can be obtained by using the method ComplexType<TComplexType>().
Public class ComplexTypeConfiguration<TComplexType> Represents an IEdmComplexType that can be built using ODataModelBuilder.
Public class EntityCollectionConfiguration<TEntityType> EntityCollectionConfiguration represents a Collection of Entities. This class can be used to configure things that get bound to entities, like Actions bound to a collection.
Public class EntitySetConfiguration Allows configuration to be performed for an entity set in a model. A EntitySetConfiguration can be obtained by using the method EntitySet<TEntityType>(String) .
Public class EntitySetConfiguration<TEntityType> Represents an IEdmEntitySet that can be built using ODataModelBuilder.
Public class EntitySetLinkBuilderAnnotation EntitySetLinkBuilderAnnotation is a class used to annotate an IEdmEntitySet inside an IEdmModel with information about how to build links related to that entity set.
Public class EntityTypeConfiguration Represents an IEdmEntityType that can be built using ODataModelBuilder.
Public class EntityTypeConfiguration<TEntityType> Represents an IEdmEntityType that can be built using ODataModelBuilder .
Public class LinkGenerationHelpers Contains helper methods for generating OData links that follow OData URL conventions.
Public class NavigationLinkBuilder Encapsulates a navigation link factory and whether the link factory follows conventions or not.
Public class NavigationPropertyBindingConfiguration Used to configure the binding for a navigation property for an entity set. This configuration functionality is exposed by the model builder Fluent API, see ODataModelBuilder.
Public class NavigationPropertyConfiguration Represents the configuration for a navigation property of an entity type.
Public class NonbindingParameterConfiguration Represents a non-binding procedure parameter. Non-binding parameters are provided in the POST body for Actions Non-binding parameters are provided in 3 ways for Functions - ~/.../Function(p1=value) - ~/.../Function(p1=@x)?@x=value - ~/.../Function?p1=value (only allowed if the Function is the last url path segment).
Public class ODataConventionModelBuilder Used to automatically map CLR classes to an EDM model based on a set of IConvention.
Public class ODataModelBuilder Represents a model builder that is used to map CLR classes to an EDM model.
Public class ParameterConfiguration Represents a parameter to a Procedure.
Public class PrimitivePropertyConfiguration Used to configure a primitive property of an entity type or complex type. This configuration functionality is exposed by the model builder Fluent API, see ODataModelBuilder .
Public class PrimitiveTypeConfiguration Represents a PrimitiveType
Public class ProcedureConfiguration Represents a Procedure that is exposed in the model.
Public class PropertyConfiguration Base class for all property configurations.
Public class SelfLinkBuilder<T> Encapsulates a self-link factory and whether the link factory follows conventions or not.
Public class StructuralPropertyConfiguration Base class for all structural property configurations.
Public class StructuralTypeConfiguration Represents an IEdmStructuredType that can be built using ODataModelBuilder.
Public class StructuralTypeConfiguration<TStructuralType> Represents an IEdmStructuredType that can be built using ODataModelBuilder .


  Interface Description
Public interface IEdmTypeConfiguration Represents an EdmType.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ProcedureKind The Kind of OData Procedure. One of Action, Function or ServiceOperation.
Public enumeration PropertyKind The kind of the EDM property.