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Visual Basic Reference

Render Method

See Also    Example    Applies To

Draws all or part of a source image to a destination object.


object.Render(hdc, xdest, ydest, destwid, desthgt, xsrc, ysrc, srcwid, srchgt, wbounds)

The Render method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object Required. An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
hdc Required. The handle to the destination object's device context.
xdest Required. The x-coordinate of upper left corner of the drawing region in the destination object. This coordinate is in the scale units of the destination object.
ydest Required. The y-coordinate of upper left corner of the drawing region in the destination object. This coordinate is in the scale units of the destination object.
destwid Required. The width of drawing region in the destination object, expressed in the scale units of the destination object.
desthgt Required. The height of drawing region in the destination object, expressed in the scale units of the destination object.
xsrc Required. The x-coordinate of upper left corner of the drawing region in the source object. This coordinate is in HIMETRIC units.
ysrc Required. The y-coordinate of upper left corner of the drawing region in the source object. This coordinate is in HIMETRIC units.
srcwid Required. The width of drawing region in the source object, expressed in HIMETRIC units.
srchgt Required. The height of drawing region in the source object, expressed in HIMETRIC units.
wbounds Required. The world bounds of a metafile. This argument should be passed a value of Null unless drawing to a metafile, in which case the argument is passed a user-defined type corresponding to a RECTL structure.


The recommended way to paint part of a graphic into a destination is through the PaintPicture method.