Compiler Error CS0229
Ambiguity between 'member1' and 'member2'
Members of different interfaces have the same name. If you want to keep the same names, you must qualify the names. For more information, see Interfaces (C# Programming Guide).
In some cases, this ambiguity can be resolved by providing an explicit prefix to the identifier via a using alias.
The following example generates CS0229:
// CS0229.cs
interface IList
int Count
void Counter();
interface Icounter
double Count
interface IListCounter : IList , Icounter {}
class MyClass
void Test(IListCounter x)
x.Count = 1; // CS0229
// Try one of the following lines instead:
// ((IList)x).Count = 1;
// or
// ((Icounter)x).Count = 1;
public static void Main() {}