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Creates a WebBrowser ActiveX control and attaches it to the CHtmlEditCtrl object. The WebBrowser ActiveX control automatically navigates to a default document and then is placed in edit mode by this function.

virtual BOOL Create( 
   LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, 
   DWORD dwStyle, 
   const RECT& rect, 
   CWnd* pParentWnd, 
   int nID, 
   CCreateContext *pContext = NULL 


  • lpszWindowName
    This parameter is unused.

  • dwStyle
    This parameter is unused.

  • rect
    Specifies the control's size and position.

  • pParentWnd
    Specifies the control's parent window. It must not be NULL.

  • nID
    Specifies the control's ID.

  • pContext
    This parameter is unused.

Return Value

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


Header: afxhtml.h

See Also


CHtmlEditCtrl Class


Other Resources

CHtmlEditCtrl Members