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Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Common Namespace


  Class Description
Public class AspNetDevelopmentServer
Public class ComputerInfo Obsolete.
Public class DebugOperationResult
Public class DebugRequestMessage
Public class DebugTargetInfo
Public class DeploymentItem Represents a file, a directory, or another item to be deployed with a test run.
Public class DeploymentItemCollection
Public class EqtBaseCollection<T>
Public class EqtTextWriterTraceListener
Public class GroupingPropertyAttribute
Public class HelpKeywords
Public class HostRunConfigurationData
Public class IntTimeSpanConverter
Public class KnownExecutionAppKeys
Public class Link
Public class LocalizedDescriptionAttribute
Public class NameValue
Public class NonPersistableAttribute
Public class PersistenceElementNameAttribute
Public class ProjectData
Public class PropertyWindowAttribute Represents an attribute for a property that indicates whether the property will appear in the property window.
Public class RunInfo
Public class RunOutputTestResultMessage
Public class RunResultAndStatistics
Public class RunStateEvent
Public class TestAggregation
Public class TestCaseManagementDisplayNameAttribute
Public class TestCategoryId
Public class TestElement Provides a base class for all tests.
Public class TestExecId
Public class TestExecutionTraceInformation
Public class TestId
Public class TestMessage
Public class TestOutcomeHelper
Public class TestResult
Public class TestResultAggregation
Public class TestResultBase
Public class TestResultCounter
Public class TestResultErrorInfo
Public class TestResultId
Public class TestResultMessage
Public class TestRun
Public class TestRunConfiguration Provides the configuration of the test job that is currently being executed. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class TestRunConfigurationId
Public class TestRunTextResultMessage
Public class TestStateEvent
Public class TestType
Public class TextTestResultMessage
Public class TimerResult
Public class Tip
Public class UserVisiblePropertyAttribute
Public class VisiblePropertyAttribute
Public class WarningEventArgs Represents the event arguments for a warning that occurred during a test execution.
Public class XmlTestReader Provides XML reading functionality in .
Public class XmlTestWriter


  Interface Description
Public interface IAspNetDevelopmentServerTest
Public interface IDataSourceBindingData
Public interface IFastVisiblePropertyProvider
Public interface IFileProvider
Public interface IHostedTest A test type that implements the IHostedTest interface or inherits from a class that implements the IHostedTest interface can be hosted by a host adapter. Custom test types are usually derived from the TestElement class, and the TestElement class implements the IHostedTest interface. Consequently, any test type that derives from TestElement can be hosted by a host adapter.
Public interface IHostSpecificRunConfigurationData
Public interface IPersistable
Public interface ITestAggregation
Public interface ITestElement
Public interface ITestElementResultTestPropertyProvider
Public interface ITestList Interface for creating custom test lists.
Public interface ITestTypeSpecificRunConfigurationData
Public interface ITip Interface for a test item provider that must be implemented for each type of test.
Public interface ITmi Infrastructure. Represents the Test Management interface (UI) of .
Public interface IVerifiable
Public interface IVisiblePropertyProvider
Public interface IWarningHandler Represents an interface for test classes that handle and report warning events.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate DebugEventHandler


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration DebugEngine
Public enumeration PropertyConverterType
Public enumeration PropertyEditorType
Public enumeration RunState
Public enumeration TestMessageKind
Public enumeration TestOutcome Describes the outcome of a test run.
Public enumeration TestState
Public enumeration WebServerType