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IParseSink::AddExtern Method

Add an external scope for the given span of text.

HRESULT AddExtern ( 
   long startLine,
   long startIdx,
   long endLine,
   long endIdx,
   IScope* scope


  • startLine
    [in] Starting line of the item to add scope for.

  • startIdx
    [in] Starting index of the item (that is, the enclosing lexical context) in the starting line. The line index is zero-based.

  • endLine
    [in] Ending line of the item to add scope for.

  • endIdx
    [in] Ending index of the item in the ending line. The line index is zero-based.

  • scope
    [in] The external scope, that is, the symbol tree, which contains the item. For more information, see the IScope Interface.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.


This method is used for include files or import modules. A scope can, for example, be retrieved using the IBabelProject::SearchFile Method or the IBabelPackage::LoadScope Method. The AddExtern method can be used to load any scope, regardless of the language that it supports.

To obtain an external scope using the IBabelPackage::LoadScope method, do the following:

  1. Call the IParseSink::GetPackage Method method.

    An IBabelPackage Interface object is returned.

  2. Call the IBabelPackage::LoadScope Method method, specifying the file name and project that contains the scope.

    Use the following procedure to obtain the file name and project information:

    1. Call the IParseSink::GetProject Method method to return a pointer to the project.

      A pointer to the IBabelProject Interface object is returned. Use this pointer for the project parameter in the IBabelPackage::LoadScope method.

    2. Call the IParseSink::GetFileName Method method to return the file name.

      A string containing the file name is returned. Use this string for the fileName parameter in the IBabelPackage::LoadScope method.

    The external IScope Interface object is returned from the IBabelPackage::LoadScope method. Use this value for the scope parameter in the AddExtern method.

The Default Babel Implementation in the Language Service Package, this method is called from the StdService::addExtern method that in turn can be called from within your grammar file. The example in the IBabelPackage::LoadScope method shows how this looks in a parser.y grammar file. See How to: Add Import Chasing for more details on using the StdService::addExtern method.

See Also


How to: Add Import Chasing


IParseSink Interface

IParseSink::GetPackage Method

IBabelPackage Interface

IBabelPackage::LoadScope Method

IParseSink::GetProject Method

IParseSink::GetFileName Method