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Help Authoring Reference

The Microsoft Help 2 reference contains documentation for the Microsoft Help XML markup, project files, and command line programs.

In This Section

  • Help Stop-Word List
    Defines terms that are typically included in stop word lists.

  • Help Charset Values
    Defines the character set values supported by Microsoft Help.

  • Help LangId Values
    Defines the LangId values supported by Microsoft Help.

  • Help Project Files
    Lists the XML-based files included in Help 2 projects and resulting compiled Help files.

  • Help Link Markup
    Contains markup used to create HTML links and special Microsoft Help 2 XML links.

  • Help XML Reference
    Documents all the tags and attributes used in Help project files or XML data islands in HTML topic files.

  • Help Command-Line Programs
    Documents the command-line programs that are included with Microsoft Help 2.

  • Help Error Messages
    Lists the error messages that the Microsoft Help 2 command-line programs can display.

  • Help Authoring
    Provides information about how to use HelpStudio Lite to author Help content.