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Select Condition Dialog Box

The Select Condition dialog box is used to select a declarative rule condition to be assigned to an activity's condition property. These rule conditions are exposed as properties on the following Windows Workflow Foundation out-of-box activities:

For information about how to access the Select Condition dialog box, see How to: Create a Declarative Rule Condition.

The following table describes the user interface (UI) elements of the Select Condition dialog box.

UI Element Description


Click to open the Rule Condition Editor Dialog Box to create a new rule condition.


Click to open the Rule Condition Editor Dialog Box to edit the selected rule condition.


Click to open a dialog box used to rename the selected rule condition.


Click to delete the selected rule condition.

Condition Preview

Displays the condition expression for the selected rule condition.


Click to assign the selected rule condition to the activity's condition.

For more information about creating and editing rule conditions, see Rule Condition Editor Dialog Box.

For more information about conditions, see Using Conditions in Workflows.

See Also


How to: Create a Declarative Rule Condition


Rule Condition Editor Dialog Box

Other Resources

Visual Studio Designer for Windows Workflow Foundation UI Help
Using Conditions in Workflows
Using the ConditionedActivityGroup Activity
Using the IfElseBranchActivity Activity
Using the ReplicatorActivity Activity
Using the WhileActivity Activity

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