The document root element is not supported by the visual designer
When you open a XAML file in the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Designer for Visual Studio, you might not see any objects in Design view. This can occur in the following cases:
You open a blank XAML file.
You open the Application.xaml file in a Visual Basic project or the App.xaml file in a C# project.
You open a XAML file that contains a root element that is not supported by the designer.
The WPF Designer supports only Panel, Page, ContentControl and their derivatives as the root element.
You open a XAML file that contains a syntax error in the root element.
When you open a XAML file without any visual objects, the following message appears in Design view:
Intentionally Left Blank
The document root element is not supported by the visual designer.
This is the expected behavior, and you do not have to take any corrective action.
See Also
Other Resources
Debugging and Interpreting Errors in the WPF Designer