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Specifies whether the Automatic button is enabled.

void EnableAutomaticButton(
   LPCTSTR lpszLabel,
   COLORREF colorAutomatic,
   BOOL bEnable=TRUE,
   LPCTSTR lpszToolTip=NULL,
   BOOL bOnTop=TRUE,
   BOOL bDrawBorder=FALSE 


  • [in] lpszLabel
    The label for the Automatic button.

  • [in] colorAutomatic
    An RGB value that specifies the Automatic button's default color.

  • [in] bEnable
    TRUE if the Automatic button is enabled; FALSE if it is disabled.

  • [in] lpszToolTip
    The tooltip of the Automatic button.

  • [in] bOnTop
    Specifies whether the Automatic button is at the top, before color palette.

  • [in] bDrawBorder
    TRUE if the application draws a border around the color bar on the ribbon color button. Color bar displays the currently selected color. FALSE if the application does not draw a border


Header: afxribboncolorbutton.h

See Also


MFC Hierarchy Chart


CMFCRibbonColorButton Class