Member Functions in Nested Classes

Member functions declared in nested classes can be defined in file scope. The preceding example could have been written:

// member_functions_in_nested_classes.cpp
class BufferedIO
    enum IOError { None, Access, General };
    class BufferedInput
        int read(); // Declare but do not define member
        int good(); //  functions read and good.
        IOError _inputerror;

    class BufferedOutput
        // Member list.
// Define member functions read and good in
//  file scope.
int BufferedIO::BufferedInput::read()

int BufferedIO::BufferedInput::good()
    return _inputerror == None;
int main()

In the preceding example, the qualified-type-name syntax is used to declare the function name. The declaration:


means "the read function that is a member of the BufferedInput class that is in the scope of the BufferedIO class." Because this declaration uses the qualified-type-name syntax, constructs of the following form are possible:

typedef BufferedIO::BufferedInput BIO_INPUT;

int BIO_INPUT::read()

The preceding declaration is equivalent to the previous one, but it uses a typedef name in place of the class names.

See Also


Nested Class Declarations