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Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Project.Project.MPF Namespace

The Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Project.Project.MPF namespace provides interfaces and classes to support the Project feature. It supports the Visual Studio infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


  Class Description
Public class AfterProjectFileOpenedEventArgs Holds event data.
Public class AutomationBrowsableAttribute Used in the property editor.
Public class BeforeProjectFileClosedEventArgs Holds event data.
Public class DesignPropertyDescriptor Allows you to customize the display name of the property in the property grid.
Public class EnumDependencies Enumerates a set of dependencies.
Public class FileNodeProperties Used in the property editor.
Public class FolderNodeProperties Used in the property editor.
Public class LocalizableProperties Supplies custom type information about localizable properties for an object.
Public class NestedProjectBuildDependency Describes a build dependency to a nested project.
Public class NodeProperties To create your own localizable node properties, inherit from NodeProperties, and add public properties decorated with your own localized display name, category, and description attributes.
Public class ProjectConfig Holds project-specific configuration data.
Public class ProjectConfigProperties Represents the configuration-dependent project properties.
Public class ProjectDocumentsListener Represents a project documents listener.
Public class ProjectNodeProperties Defines the properties of the project node.
Public class ProjectPackage The base class for project packages. Handles solution listeners.
Public class ProjectReferencesProperties Represents the properties specific to project reference nodes.
Public class PropertiesEditorLauncher Enables launching the project properties editor from the Properties browser.
Public class PropertyPageTypeConverterAttribute Represents the attribute describing how to convert property values on property pages in a package.
Public class ReferenceNodeProperties Defines the properties specific to reference nodes.
Public class SelectionListener Represents the selection listener.
Public class SingleFileGeneratorFactory Represents the single file generator factory.
Public class SingleFileGeneratorNodeProperties Represents file generator node properties.
Public class SolutionListener Listens to different modifications to the solution.
Public class SolutionListenerForProjectOpen Monitors open project events.


  Interface Description
Public interface IProjectConfigProperties Defines the configuration-dependent project properties.
Public interface IProjectEvents Specifies events associated with projects.
Public interface IProjectEventsListener Specifies whether an object receives project events.
Public interface IProjectEventsProvider Enables getting and setting the project events provider.
Public interface ISingleFileGenerator Defines support for the single file generator.