<list> (Visual C+)
The <listheader> block is used to define the heading row of either a table or definition list. When defining a table, you only need to supply an entry for term in the heading.
<list type="bullet" | "number" | "table">
A term to define, which will be defined in description.description
Either an item in a bullet or numbered list or the definition of a term.
Each item in the list is specified with an <item> block. When creating a definition list, you will need to specify both term and description. However, for a table, bulleted list, or numbered list, you only need to supply an entry for description.
A list or table can have as many <item> blocks as needed.
Compile with /doc to process documentation comments to a file.
// xml_list_tag.cpp
// compile with: /doc /LD
// post-build command: xdcmake xml_list_tag.dll
/// <remarks>Here is an example of a bulleted list:
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>
/// <description>Item 1.</description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description>Item 2.</description>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </remarks>
class MyClass {};