ActionsPane Members (2007 System)
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Include Inherited Members
The class that provides implementation for customizing the Document Actions task pane in document-level customizations for Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Excel.
The ActionsPane type exposes the following members.
Infrastructure. Overloaded.
Overloaded. Provides the same functionality as the Control.BeginInvoke method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.BringToFront method.
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Detaches the actions pane solution from the document.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Contains method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.CreateControl method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.CreateGraphics method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.DoDragDrop method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.DrawToBitmap method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.EndInvoke method.
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Provides the same functionality as the Control.FindForm method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Focus method.
Overloaded. Provides the same functionality as the Control.GetChildAtPoint method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.GetContainerControl method.
Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.)
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Provides the same functionality as the Control.GetNextControl method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.GetPreferredSize method.
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Gets the type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Removes the ActionsPane and the controls from the task pane user interface, but leaves the task pane visible.
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Overloaded. Provides the same functionality as the Control.Invalidate method.
Overloaded. Provides the same functionality as the Control.Invoke method.
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Provides the same functionality as the ContainerControl.PerformAutoScale method.
Overloaded. Provides the same functionality as the Control.PerformLayout method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.PointToClient method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.PointToScreen method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.PreProcessControlMessage method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.PreProcessMessage method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.RectangleToClient method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.RectangleToScreen method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Refresh method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ResetBackColor method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ResetBindings method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ResetCursor method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ResetFont method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ResetForeColor method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ResetImeMode method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ResetRightToLeft method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ResetText method.
Overloaded. Provides the same functionality as the Control.ResumeLayout method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Scale method.
Provides the same functionality as the ScrollableControl.ScrollControlIntoView method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Select method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.SelectNextControl method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.SendToBack method.
Provides the same functionality as the ScrollableControl.SetAutoScrollMargin method.
Overloaded. Provides the same functionality as the Control.SetBounds method.
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Displays the ActionsPane on the task pane, including all controls that have been added to the ActionsPane, but does not display the task pane if the task pane is not visible.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.SuspendLayout method.
Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Update method.
Overloaded. Provides the same functionality as the ContainerControl.Validate method.
Overloaded. Provides the same functionality as the ContainerControl.ValidateChildren method.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.AccessibilityObject property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.AccessibleDefaultActionDescription property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.AccessibleDescription property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.AccessibleName property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.AccessibleRole property.
Provides the same functionality as the ContainerControl.ActiveControl property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.AllowDrop property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Anchor property.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the actions pane solution automatically re-attaches to the document when it is detached.
Provides the same functionality as the ContainerControl.AutoScaleDimensions property.
Provides the same functionality as the ContainerControl.AutoScaleMode property.
Provides the same functionality as the ScrollableControl.AutoScroll property.
Provides the same functionality as the ScrollableControl.AutoScrollMargin property.
Provides the same functionality as the ScrollableControl.AutoScrollMinSize property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.AutoScrollOffset property.
Provides the same functionality as the ScrollableControl.AutoScrollPosition property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.AutoSize property.
Provides the same functionality as the Form.AutoSizeMode property.
Provides the same functionality as the ContainerControl.AutoValidate property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.DefaultBackColor property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.BackgroundImage property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.BackgroundImageLayout property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.BindingContext property.
Provides the same functionality as the UserControl.BorderStyle property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Bottom property.
Do not use. The actions pane cannot be resized programmatically.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.CanFocus property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.CanSelect property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Capture property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.CausesValidation property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ClientRectangle property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ClientSize property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.CompanyName property.
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ContainsFocus property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ContextMenu property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ContextMenuStrip property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Controls property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Created property.
Provides the same functionality as the ContainerControl.CurrentAutoScaleDimensions property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Cursor property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.DataBindings property.
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Provides the same functionality as the Control.DisplayRectangle property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Disposing property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Dock property.
Provides the same functionality as the ScrollableControl.DockPadding property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Enabled property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Focused property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Font property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ForeColor property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Handle property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.HasChildren property.
Do not use. The actions pane cannot be resized programmatically.
Provides the same functionality as the ScrollableControl.HorizontalScroll property.
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ImeMode property.
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Provides the same functionality as the Control.InvokeRequired property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.IsAccessible property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.IsDisposed property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.IsHandleCreated property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.IsMirrored property.
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Provides the same functionality as the Control.LayoutEngine property.
Do not use. You cannot change the Left property of the ActionsPane programmatically.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Location property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Margin property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MaximumSize property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MinimumSize property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Name property.
Gets a value indicating whether the placement of the actions pane is vertical or horizontal.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Padding property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Parent property.
Provides the same functionality as the ContainerControl.ParentForm property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.PreferredSize property.
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ProductName property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ProductVersion property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.RecreatingHandle property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Region property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Right property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.RightToLeft property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Site property.
Do not use. The actions pane cannot be resized programmatically.
Gets or sets a value that indicates the direction that the controls are stacked on the actions pane.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.TabIndex property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.TabStop property.
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Text property.
Do not use. You cannot change the Top property of the ActionsPane programmatically.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.TopLevelControl property.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.UseWaitCursor property.
Provides the same functionality as the ScrollableControl.VerticalScroll property.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the ActionsPane is visible.
Do not use. The actions pane cannot be resized programmatically.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.WindowTarget property.
Provides the same functionality as the ContainerControl.AutoValidateChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.BackColorChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.BackgroundImageChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.BindingContextChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.CausesValidationChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ChangeUICues event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Click event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ClientSizeChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ContextMenuChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ContextMenuStripChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ControlAdded event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ControlRemoved event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.CursorChanged event.
(Inherited from RemoteComponent.)
Provides the same functionality as the Control.DockChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.DoubleClick event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.DragDrop event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.DragEnter event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.DragLeave event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.DragOver event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.EnabledChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Enter event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.FontChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ForeColorChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.GiveFeedback event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.GotFocus event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.HandleCreated event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.HandleDestroyed event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.HelpRequested event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ImeModeChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Invalidated event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.KeyDown event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.KeyPress event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.KeyUp event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Layout event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Leave event.
Provides the same functionality as the UserControl.Load event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.LocationChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.LostFocus event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MarginChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MouseCaptureChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MouseClick event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MouseDoubleClick event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MouseDown event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MouseEnter event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MouseHover event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MouseLeave event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MouseMove event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MouseUp event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.MouseWheel event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Move event.
Occurs when the Orientation of the actions pane changes.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.PaddingChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Paint event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.ParentChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.PreviewKeyDown event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.QueryAccessibilityHelp event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.QueryContinueDrag event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.RegionChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Resize event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.RightToLeftChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the ScrollableControl.Scroll event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.SizeChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.StyleChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.SystemColorsChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.TabIndexChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.TabStopChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.TextChanged event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Validated event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.Validating event.
Provides the same functionality as the Control.VisibleChanged event.
Explicit Interface Implementations