Arranging and Using Windows in Visual Studio
The integrated development environment (IDE) provides various tools and options to help you position document and tool windows and move among them. When you arrange windows, the IDE remembers the layout between sessions so that you do not have to reposition windows every time. For example, if you change the docking location of Solution Explorer and then close Visual Studio, the next time that you start, Solution Explorer will be docked in that same location.
Title |
Description |
Discusses the differences between tool windows and document windows in the IDE. |
Describes how to dock, auto hide, and tile windows, and also how to reset the window layout. |
Describes how you can cycle through open windows in the IDE, by order of usage. Also describes how you can jump to specific documents. |
Customizing, Automating, and Extending the Development Environment |
Contains topics about how to customize the appearance and behavior of the IDE, and how to extend the IDE. Also contains reference topics. |
Contains information about settings combinations and how settings affect window layouts, keyboard shortcuts, and other elements in the IDE. |