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Web Performance Test Walkthroughs

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This topic describes a series of walkthroughs that are designed to introduce you to Web performance tests and some common Web performance test functionality. The walkthroughs should be done as a series. The later walkthroughs build upon the work begun in the earlier walkthroughs. The first two walkthroughs must be completed in order. The validation and extraction rule walkthrough and the data binding walkthrough can be completed in any order after the first two walkthroughs. The coded Web performance test walkthrough should be completed last.


"Walkthrough: Creating a Web Performance Test that Requires a Login and Logout" is not part of the series and can be completed independently of the others.



Associated Topics

Step 1 - Create a simple Web application and a Web performance test: In the first walkthrough, you create a simple Web application to which you can make arbitrary changes to use as the basis for the rest of the walkthroughs.

Step 2 - Create a Web performance test recording: In the second walkthrough, you create a Web performance test from a browser recording, and verify that it works correctly. You will also view request properties and specify a proxy server.

Step 3 - Add validation and extraction rules: In this walkthrough, you will add validation and extraction rules to a Web performance test and verify that they work correctly.

Step 4 - Add database data binding to the Web performance test: In this walkthrough, you add data binding to a Web performance test and verify that it works correctly. You also create a Microsoft Access database data source to bind to.

Step 5 - Add XML file data binding to the Web performance test: In this walkthrough, you add data binding to a Web performance test and verify that it works correctly. You also create a simple XML text file data source to bind to.

Step 6 - Generate a coded Web performance test from the Web performance test recording: In this walkthrough, you convert a recorded Web performance test into a coded Web performance test. After you convert the Web performance test to a coded Web performance test, you add new code to the Web performance test and verify that it works correctly.

Add loop logic to a Web performance test: In this walkthrough you will add loop logic to a recorded Web performance test. This provides a simple way to have requests in a Web performance test run multiple times.

Create a Web application and Web performance test that uses logon credentials: In this walkthrough, you create a Web application that requires the user to log on and log out, and you create a Web performance test that tests the application. You also create new Web performance tests by extracting requests from existing tests, and by composing existing Web performance test components.

Creating and Editing Web Performance Tests

You can create a new Web performance test recording that will be displayed as a tree of requests in the Web Performance Test Results Editor. After you create the Web performance test, you can customize and configure it. For example, you can add validation and extraction rules; bind Web requests to a data source and add loop or conditional branch conditions.

Running Web Performance Tests

After you have created a Web performance test recording, you can run it and try to resolve any playback issues that you discover in your Web performance test.

Load Test Walkthroughs

You can learn how to create and edit simple load tests.

See Also


Binding a Data Source to a Web Performance Test

Other Resources

Getting Started with Load and Web Performance Test Walkthroughs

Adding Loop and Branch Logic to Web Requests in Web Performance Tests