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Enables automatic attaching for the specified debug engines.

HRESULT EnableAutoAttach(
   GUID*     rgguidSpecificEngines,
   DWORD     celtSpecificEngines,
   LPCOLESTR pszStartPageUrl,
   BSTR*     pbstrSessionId
int EnableAutoAttach(
   Guid[]     rgguidSpecificEngines,
   uint       celtSpecificEngines,
   string     pszStartPageUrl,
   out string pbstrSessionId


  • rgguidSpecificEngines
    [in] Array of GUIDs for each debug engine to mark as auto-attaching.

  • celtSpecificEngines
    [in] The number of engines specified in rgguidSpecificEngines.

  • pszStartPageUrl
    [in] The starting URL to use when auto-attaching.

  • pbstrSessionID
    [out] ID of the session that was auto-attached.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise returns error code. One error code is E_AUTO_ATTACH_NOT_REGISTERED, which indicates that the auto-attach class factory has not been registered.


When a program associated with the specified URL is started, the specified debug engines are automatically started and attached.

See Also

