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Assigns a value to the regular expressoin object.

basic_regex& assign(const basic_regex& right);
basic_regex& assign(const Elem *ptr,
    flag_type flags = ECMAScript);
basic_regex& assign(const Elem *ptr, size_type len,
    flag_type flags = ECMAScript);
template<class STtraits, class STalloc>
    basic_regex& assign(const basic_string<Elem, STtraits, STalloc>& str,
    flag_type flags = ECMAScript);
template<class InIt>
    basic_regex& assign(InIt first, InIt last,
    flag_type flags = ECMAScript);


  • STtraits
    Traits class for a string source.

  • STalloc
    Allocator class for a string source.

  • InIt
    Input iterator type for a range source.

  • right
    Regex source to copy.

  • ptr
    Pointer to beginning of sequence to copy.

  • flags
    Syntax option flags to add while copying.

  • len/TD>
    Length of sequence to copy.

  • str
    String to copy.

  • first
    Beginning of sequence to copy.

  • last
    End of sequence to copy.


The member functions each replace the regular expression held by *this with the regular expression described by the operand sequence, then return *this.



// std_tr1__regex__basic_regex_assign.cpp 
// compile with: /EHsc 
#include <regex> 
#include <iostream> 
int main() 
    std::regex::value_type elem = 'x'; 
    std::regex::flag_type flag = std::regex::grep; 
    elem = elem;  // to quiet "unused" warnings 
    flag = flag; 
// constructors 
    std::regex rx0; 
    std::cout << "match(\"abc\", \"\") == " << std::boolalpha 
        << regex_match("abc", rx0) << std::endl; 
    std::regex rx1("abcd", std::regex::ECMAScript); 
    std::cout << "match(\"abc\", \"abcd\") == " << std::boolalpha 
        << regex_match("abc", rx1) << std::endl; 
    std::regex rx2("abcd", 3); 
    std::cout << "match(\"abc\", \"abc\") == " << std::boolalpha 
        << regex_match("abc", rx2) << std::endl; 
    std::regex rx3(rx2); 
    std::cout << "match(\"abc\", \"abc\") == " << std::boolalpha 
        << regex_match("abc", rx3) << std::endl; 
    std::string str("abcd"); 
    std::regex rx4(str); 
    std::cout << "match(string(\"abcd\"), \"abc\") == " << std::boolalpha 
        << regex_match("abc", rx4) << std::endl; 
    std::regex rx5(str.begin(), str.end() - 1); 
    std::cout << "match(string(\"abc\"), \"abc\") == " << std::boolalpha 
        << regex_match("abc", rx5) << std::endl; 
    std::cout << std::endl; 
// assignments 
    rx0 = "abc"; 
    rx0 = rx1; 
    rx0 = str; 
    rx0.assign("abcd", std::regex::ECMAScript); 
    rx0.assign("abcd", 3); 
    rx0.assign(str.begin(), str.end() - 1); 
// mark_count 
    std::cout << "\"abc\" mark_count == " 
        << std::regex("abc").mark_count() << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "\"(abc)\" mark_count == " 
        << std::regex("(abc)").mark_count() << std::endl; 
// locales 
    std::regex::locale_type loc = rx0.imbue(std::locale()); 
    std::cout << "getloc == imbued == " << std::boolalpha 
        << (loc == rx0.getloc()) << std::endl; 
    return (0); 
match("abc", "") == false
match("abc", "abcd") == false
match("abc", "abc") == true
match("abc", "abc") == true
match(string("abcd"), "abc") == false
match(string("abc"), "abc") == true

"abc" mark_count == 0
"(abc)" mark_count == 1
getloc == imbued == true


Header: <regex>

Namespace: std

See Also



basic_regex Class


Other Resources

<regex> Members