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ExtensionManager.InstantiateType<T> Method (Type)

Instantiates a type and casts it as an interface.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensibility
Assembly:  Microsoft.Data.Schema (in Microsoft.Data.Schema.dll)


Public Shared Function InstantiateType(Of T) ( _
    type As Type _
) As T
public static T InstantiateType<T>(
    Type type
generic<typename T>
static T InstantiateType(
    Type^ type
static member InstantiateType : 
        type:Type -> 'T 
JScript does not support generic types or methods.

Type Parameters

  • T


Return Value

Type: T
A Type cast as an interface.


This helper method is used to instantiate the Designer types for Generators; designers are not extensions, but they are custom types that the user defines. To instantiate extensions, use the Instantiate method to create a new instance of an extension.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


ExtensionManager Class

InstantiateType Overload

Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensibility Namespace
