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User (VSPerfCmd)

The User option specifies the domain and user name of the account that owns the profiled process. This option is required only if the process is running as a user other than the logged on user. The process owner is listed in the User Name column on the Processes tab of Windows Task Manager.

The User option can only be specified on a command line that also contains the Start option option.

VSPerfCmd.exe /Start:Method /Output:FileName /User:[Domain\]UserName [Options]


  • Domain
    The name of the user's domain.

  • UserName
    The name of the user.

Required Options

The User option can only be used with the Start option.

  • **Start:**Method
    Initializes the profiler to the specified profiling method.


The following example demonstrates the use of the User option.

VSPerfCmd.exe /Start:Sample /Output:TestApp.exe.vsp /User:SYSTEM

See Also




Command-Line Profiling of Stand-Alone Applications

Command-Line Profiling of ASP.NET Web Applications

Command-Line Profiling of Services