Automation Command Reference for Database Features of Visual Studio
You can use Visual Studio Design Time Extensibility (DTE) to perform certain operations in the Visual Studio Command Window. For example, you might do this if you want to import multiple scripts into your database project.
In this release of Visual Studio Premium or Visual Studio Ultimate, you can:
Import database or server objects and settings into a database project
Import objects and settings from a script
Compare database schemas
Compare database data
Perform refactoring operations
Work with partial projects
Work with objects in Schema View
Analyze Database Code
The following table contains a quick reference for all DTE commands for the database features of Visual Studio:
Area |
Command |
Data Compare |
Data.NewDataComparison Data.DataCompareExportToEditor Data.DataCompareExportToFile Data.DataCompareFilterAllRecords Data.DataCompareFilterDifferentRecords Data.DataCompareFilterIdenticalRecords Data.DataCompareFilterOnlyInSourceRecords Data.DataCompareFilterOnlyInTargetRecords Data.DataCompareFilterSelectedRecords Data.DataCompareRefresh Data.DataCompareSelectSrcTgtDatabases Data.DataCompareShowUpdateScript Data.DataCompareStop Data.DataCompareWriteUpdates Data.DataDataCompareRefreshScriptPreview |
Data Generator |
Data.DataGeneratorExcludeAllColumns Data.DataGeneratorExcludeAllTables Data.DataGeneratorIncludeAllColumns Data.DataGeneratorIncludeAllTables Data.DataGeneratorPlanRefresh Data.DataGeneratorPopulate Data.DataGeneratorPreview |
Import |
Project.ImportDatabaseSchema Project.ImportScript |
Partial Projects |
Project.VSDBExportAsPartialProject Project.VSDBImportPartialProject Project.VSDBRemovePartialProject |
Refactoring |
Data.RenameRefactor Data.FullyQualifyNameRefactor Data.MoveSchemaRefactor Data.RenameServerDatabaseReferenceRefactor Data.WildcardExpansionRefactor |
Schema Compare |
Data.NewSchemaComparison Data.SchemaCompareExportToEditor Data.SchemaCompareExportToFile Data.SchemaCompareFilterAllObjects Data.SchemaCompareFilterDifferentObjects Data.SchemaCompareFilterEqualObjects Data.SchemaCompareFilterMissingObjects Data.SchemaCompareFilterNewObjects Data.SchemaCompareFilterNonSkipObjects Data.SchemaCompareFilterSkipObjects Data.SchemaCompareNextChange Data.SchemaCompareObjectDefnHorizontal Data.SchemaCompareObjectDefnOff Data.SchemaCompareObjectDefnVertical Data.SchemaCompareOptions Data.SchemaComparePreviousChange Data.SchemaCompareRefresh Data.SchemaCompareRefreshScriptPreview Data.SchemaCompareRestoreUpdateActionDefaults Data.SchemaCompareRestoreUpdateSelectionDefaults Data.SchemaCompareSelectSourceTargetSchemas Data.SchemaCompareShowUpdateScript Data.SchemaCompareSpecifySQLCMDVariables Data.SchemaCompareStop Data.SchemaCompareWriteUpdates |
Schema View |
Data.SchemaViewShowDependencies Data.ShowBuiltInElementsInSchemaView Data.ShowExternalElementsInSchemaView Data.DeleteObjectSchemaView Data.SynchronizeSchemaView Data.ToggleSchemaViewBySchema |
Transact-SQL editor |
Data.SqlEditorCancelQueryExecution Data.SqlEditorConnect Data.SqlEditorDisconnect Data.SqlEditorDisplayEstimatedExecutionPlan Data.SqlEditorEditSqlCmdFile Data.SqlEditorExecuteSql Data.SqlEditorIncludeActualExecutionPlan Data.SqlEditorIncludeStatistics Data.SqlEditorNewQueryConnection Data.SqlEditorQueryOptions Data.SqlEditorResetClientStatistics Data.SqlEditorResultsAsFile Data.SqlEditorResultsAsGrid Data.SqlEditorResultsAsText Data.SqlEditorSqlCmdMode Data.SqlEditorToggleResultsPane Data.SqlEditorValidateSqlSyntax |
Database Code Analysis |
Data.StaticCodeAnalysisConfigure Data.StaticCodeAnalysisRun |
You can use the Data.ImportDatabaseSchema command from the Visual Studio Command Window to import objects and settings from a database or server. You highlight a database or server project in Solution Explorer before you use the Data.ImportDatabaseSchema command. For more information, see How to: Import Database Objects and Settings or How to: Import Server Objects and Settings.
You can specify the following parameters for the Data.ImportDatabaseSchema command:
Parameter |
Required |
Notes |
/ConnectionString "YourString" |
Yes |
Specify the connection string to the database from which you want to import objects and settings. To import server objects, specify the "master" database. |
/AlwaysScriptColumnCollation |
No |
Specify this option to always explicitly script column collations. If you do not specify this option, column collations are explicitly specified for only those cases in which the column collation does not match the database collation. |
/IgnoreExtendedProperties |
No |
Specify this option if you do not want to import extended properties on the source database and its contents. |
/IgnoreFileSizes |
No |
Specify this option if you do not want to import the sizes for log files and filegroups. |
/OverrideDBConfiguration |
No |
Specify this option if you want to update the settings for the database project to match the settings for the source database. |
/Overwrite |
No |
This option is ignored. |
/DirectoryLimit N |
No |
Specify this option to reduce the time that is required to open and work with your database project by limiting the number of database objects that are stored in each folder in your Data. Replace N with the number of files that you want to allow in a single directory on disk. |
/IgnorePermissions |
No |
Specify this option if you do not want to import permissions from the source database. ![]()
By default, permissions are ignored by when you import objects and settings by using the wizard. You might want to specify this option to improve performance when you import large databases.
/AddImportedPermissionsToModel |
No |
Specify this option if you did not specify /IgnorePermissions and if you want to add permissions to the model of the database. If you add permissions to the model, the database project will load more slowly. |
You can use the Data.ImportScript command from the Visual Studio Command Window to import object definitions from a script. You highlight a database or server project in Solution Explorer before you use the Data.ImportScript command. For more information, see How to: Import Database Objects from a Script.
You can specify the following parameters for the Data.ImportScript command:
Parameter |
Required |
Notes |
/FileName MyFile.sql |
Yes |
Specify the name of the script file that you want to import. If you want to import a file name that contains spaces, you must enclose the file name within quotation marks (for example, "My Script.sql"). |
/Encoding {Unicode | UTF32 | UTF8 | UTF7} |
No |
Specify the encoding in which the file was saved. If you do not specify an encoding, the file is assumed to be UTF8. |
/Overwrite |
No |
Specify this option if you want to overwrite object definitions that already occur in the database Data. If you do not specify this option, objects that already exist will not be imported. |
/IgnoreExtendedProperties |
No |
Specify this option if you do not want to import extended properties on the source database and its contents. |
/IgnorePermissions |
No |
Specify this option if you do not want to import permissions from the source database. ![]()
By default, permissions are ignored when you import a script by using the wizard. You might want to specify this option to improve performance when you import large scripts.
/AddImportedPermissionsToModel |
No |
Specify this option if you did not specify /IgnorePermissions and if you want to add permissions to the model of the database. If you add permissions to the model, the database project will load more slowly. |
You can use the Data.NewSchemaComparison command from the Visual Studio Command Window to compare two database schemas. You specify a source schema provider and a target schema provider. For each provider, you specify the type and the identification for that provider. For more information, see How to: Compare Database Schemas.
You can specify the following parameters for each provider for the Data.NewSchemaComparison and Data.SchemaCompareSelectSourceTargetSchemas commands:
Parameter |
Notes |
/ProviderType ConnectionBased /ConnectionString "YourString" |
Specify this syntax if you want to specify a connection string for a database as one of the schemas. |
/ProviderType ConnectionBased /ConnectionName ConnectionName |
Specify this syntax if you want to specify the name of a connection for a database as one of the schemas. |
/ProviderType ProjectBased /ProjectName ProjectName.dbproj |
Specify this syntax if you want to specify a database project as one of the schemas. If you want to import a file name that contains spaces, you must enclose the file name within quotation marks (for example, "My Project.dbproj"). |
/ProviderType FileBased /ProjectName ProjectName.dbschema |
Specify this syntax if you want to specify a compiled .dbschema file as one of the schemas. If you want to import a file name that contains spaces, you must enclose the file name within quotation marks (for example, "My Project.dbschema"). |
/ProviderType FileBased /ProjectName ProjectName.dacpac |
Specify this syntax if you want to specify a compiled output of a Data-tier Application project, a .dacpac file as one of the schemas. If you want to import a file name that contains spaces, you must enclose the file name within quotation marks (for example, "My Project.dacpac"). |
The following table lists the additional DTE commands for Schema Compare and the parameters that you can specify for each:
Command |
Parameter |
Notes |
SchemaCompareExportToEditor |
None |
Exports the update script to the Transact-SQL editor |
SchemaCompareExportToFile |
Filename |
Exports the update script to the specified file |
SchemaCompareFilterAllObjects |
None |
Removes all filters, all objects appear in the Schema Compare results |
SchemaCompareFilterDifferentObjects |
None |
Only objects that are different appear in the Schema Compare results |
SchemaCompareFilterEqualObjects |
None |
Only objects that are the same appear in the Schema Compare results |
SchemaCompareFilterMissingObjects |
None |
Only objects that occur in the target but not in the source appear in the Schema Compare results |
SchemaCompareFilterNewObjects |
None |
Only objects that occur in the source but not in the target appear in the Schema Compare results |
SchemaCompareFilterNonSkipObjects |
None |
Only objects whose update action is not set to Skip appear in the Schema Compare results |
SchemaCompareFilterSkipObjects |
None |
Only objects whose update action is set to Skip appear in the Schema Compare results |
SchemaCompareNextChange |
None |
Scrolls the Schema Compare results to display the next difference |
SchemaCompareObjectDefnHorizontal |
None |
Displays source and target object definitions side-by-side in the Object Definitions pane of the Schema Compare results |
SchemaCompareObjectDefnOff |
None |
Hides display of the Object Definitions pane of the Schema Compare results |
SchemaCompareObjectDefnVertical |
None |
Displays source and target object definitions one above the other in the Object Definitions pane of the Schema Compare results |
SchemaCompareOptions |
None |
Opens the Schema Compare Options dialog box |
SchemaComparePreviousChange |
None |
Scrolls the Schema Compare results to display the previous difference |
SchemaCompareRefresh |
None |
Re-compares the source and target schemas |
SchemaCompareRefreshScriptPreview |
None |
Updates the Schema Update Script pane of the Schema Compare results |
SchemaCompareRestoreUpdateActionDefaults |
None |
Reverts any Update Actions to the state that they were in when the comparison completed |
SchemaCompareRestoreUpdateSelectionDefaults |
None |
Reverts the Update Action for the specified rows to the state that they were in when the comparison completed |
SchemaCompareShowUpdateScript |
None |
Opens the Schema Update Script window if it is not already visible |
SchemaCompareSpecifySQLCMDVariables |
None |
Opens the dialog box that you can use to specify the values that should be used for SQLCMD variables when you compare schemas |
SchemaCompareStop |
None |
Halts a schema comparison that is in progress |
SchemaCompareWriteUpdates |
None |
Writes update to the target schema, if the target schema allows updates. |
You can use the Data.NewDataComparison command from the Visual Studio Command Window to compare the data in two databases. For more information, see How to: Compare and Synchronize the Data of Two Databases.
You can specify the following parameters for the Data.NewDataComparison and Data. DataCompareSelectSrcTgtDatabases commands:
Parameter |
Required |
Notes |
/SrcServerName ServerName |
Yes |
Specify the name of the server that contains the data for the source of the comparison. |
/SrcDatabaseName DatabaseName |
Yes |
Specify the name of the database that contains the data for the source of the comparison. |
/SrcUserName UserName |
Yes |
Specify the user name that you want to use to connect to the database that contains the data for the source of the comparison. |
/SrcPassword Password |
Yes |
Specify the password for the user name that you want to use to connect to the database that contains the data for the source of the comparison. |
/SrcDisplayName SourceData |
Yes |
Specify the name that you want to appear in the Schema Compare window for the source of the comparison. |
/TargetServerName ServerName |
Yes |
Specify the name of the server that contains the data for the target of the comparison. |
/TargetDatabaseName DatabaseName |
Yes |
Specify the name of the database that contains the data for the target of the comparison. |
/TargetUserName UserName |
Yes |
Specify the user name that you want to use to connect to the database that contains the data for the target of the comparison. |
/TargetPassword Password |
Yes |
Specify the password for the user name that you want to use to connect to the database that contains the data for the target of the comparison. |
/TargetDisplayName TargetData |
Yes |
Specify the name that you want to appear in the Schema Compare window for the target of the comparison. |
The following table lists the additional DTE commands for Data Compare and the parameters that you can specify for each:
Command |
Parameter |
Notes |
DataCompareExportToEditor |
None |
Exports the update script to the Transact-SQL editor. |
DataCompareExportToFile |
Filename |
Exports the update script to the specified file. |
DataCompareFilterAllRecords |
None |
Removes all filters. All objects appear in the Data Compare results. |
DataCompareFilterDifferentRecords |
None |
Only records that are different appear in the Data Compare results. |
DataCompareFilterIdenticalRecords |
None |
Only records that are identical appear in the Data Compare results. |
DataCompareFilterOnlyInSourceRecords |
None |
Only records that appear in the source database but not in the target database appear in the Data Compare results. |
DataCompareFilterOnlyInTargetRecords |
None |
Only records that appear in the target database but not in the source database appear in the Data Compare results. |
DataCompareFilterSelectedRecords |
None |
Only the specified records appear in the Data Compare results. |
DataCompareRefresh |
None |
Re-compares the data in the source and target database. |
DataCompareShowUpdateScript |
None |
Displays the Data Update Script window if it is not already visible. |
DataCompareStop |
None |
Halts a data comparison that is in progress. |
DataCompareWriteUpdates |
None |
Writes update to the target database. |
DataCompareDataCompareRefreshScriptPreview |
None |
Refreshes the script in the Data Update Script window. |
The following sections describe the database refactoring operations that you can perform by using DTE commands and the parameters for each of those operations.
The following table lists the parameters for the Data.RenameRefactor command:
Parameter |
Notes |
/AssumeProjectSchemaForScripts |
If you specify this option, the objects are assumed to be in the default schema for the project if no schema is specified for the object. If you do not specify this option, the default schema is assumed to be dbo. This parameter is optional, and has a default value of 'true'. This parameter only affects scripts whose Build Action is not "Build". References in build scripts always assume the dbo schema. |
/TargetObjectName objectName |
Specifies the full name of the object, including schema, that you want to rename (for example, dbo.Table1). |
/NewName newObjectName |
Specifies the new name, excluding schema, for the object being renamed (for example, Table2). |
For more information about how to use database refactoring to rename a database object, see Rename All References to a Database Object.
The following table lists the parameters for the Data.FullyQualifyNameRefactor command:
Parameter |
Notes |
/ScriptFilePath scriptPathAndFile |
Specifies the full path and file name of the file in which you want to fully qualify names. For example: /ScriptFilePath "C:\Users\Username\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseSolution\MyDatabaseProject\Schema Objects\Schemas\dbo\Views\MyView.view.sql" |
For more information about how to use database refactoring to fully qualify object names, see Fully Qualify the Names of Database Objects.
The following table lists the parameters for the Data.MoveSchemaRefactor command:
Parameter |
Notes |
/AssumeProjectSchemaForScripts |
If you specify this option, the objects are assumed to be in the default schema for the project if no schema is specified for the object. If you do not specify this option, the default schema is assumed to be dbo. . This parameter is optional, and has a default value of 'true'. This parameter only affects scripts whose Build Action is not "Build". References in build scripts always assume the dbo schema. |
/TargetObjectName objectName |
Specifies the full name, including schema, of the object that you want to move to a new schema (for example, dbo.Table1). |
/NewSchemaName schemaName |
Specifies the schema to which you want to move the object. |
For more information about how Move a Database Object to a Different Schema use database refactoring to move a database object to a different schema, see Move a Database Object to a Different Schema.
The following table lists the parameters for the Data.RenameServerDatabaseReferenceRefactor command:
Parameter |
Notes |
/OldServerName serverName |
Specifies the server name that you want to replace. |
/NewServerName serverName |
Specifies the new server that you want to use instead of the old server. |
/OldDatabaseName databaseName |
Specifies the database name that you want to replace. |
/NewDatabaseName databaseName |
Specifies the new database that you want to use instead of the old database. |
For more information about how to use database refactoring to replace database and server names with other names or with SQLCMD variables, see Rename References to a Server or Database.
The following table lists the parameters for the Data.WildcardExpansionRefactor command:
Parameter |
Notes |
/ScriptFilePath scriptPathAndFile |
Specifies the full path and file name of the file in which you want to fully qualify names. The file name must be enclosed within double quotation marks. For example: /ScriptFilePath "C:\Users\Username\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseSolution\MyDatabaseProject\Schema Objects\Schemas\dbo\Views\MyView.view.sql" |
For more information about how to use database refactoring to expand wildcard characters in SELECT statements, see Expand Wildcard Characters in SELECT Statements.
The following table lists the additional DTE commands for partial projects and the parameters that you can specify for each:
Command |
Parameter |
Notes |
Project.VSDBExportAsPartialProject |
Filename |
Exports the selection in Solution Explorer to the partial projects file that you specify. |
Project.VSDBImportPartialProject |
Filename |
Imports the specified partial project (.files file) into the database project. |
Project.VSDBRemovePartialProject |
Filename |
Removes the specified partial project from the database project. |
For more information about partial projects, see Starting Team Development of Large Databases.
The following table lists the additional DTE commands for Schema View and the parameters that you can specify for each:
Command |
Parameter |
Notes |
SchemaViewShowDependencies |
None |
Opens the Schema Dependency Viewer for the current selection in Schema View. |
ShowBuiltInElementsInSchemaView |
None |
Toggles whether built-in database elements, such as the sys schema, appear in Schema View. |
ShowExternalElementsInSchemaView |
None |
Toggles whether external elements, such as elements from a referenced database, appear in schema view. |
DeleteObjectSchemaView |
None |
Deletes the selected object from Schema View, together with any objects that appear as children, based on the current sorting. |
SynchronizeSchemaView |
None |
Synchronizes the objects in Schema View with the object definitions in the database projects in the solution. You only have to use this command if somehow Schema View ends up out of sync with the object definitions. |
ToggleSchemaViewBySchema |
None |
Toggles the display in Schema View between sorting by schema and by object type. |
The following table lists the DTE commands that you can use to configure and apply database code analysis rules and the parameters that you can specify for each:
Command |
Parameter |
Notes |
StaticCodeAnalysisConfigure |
None |
Displays the properties page that you can use to configure which rules to apply to your database project. |
StaticCodeAnalysisRun |
None |
Applies the configured set of rules to your database project to identify common design, naming, and performing issues. |
For more information about how you can use database code analysis, see Analyzing Database Code to Improve Code Quality.
Compare and Synchronize Database Schemas
Compare and Synchronize Data in One or More Tables with Data in a Reference Database