Add a SharePoint Web Application to a Team Project Collection
If you add one or more SharePoint Web applications to a team project collection, project administrators can create team project portals for the team projects in that collection. By default, a collection supports team project portals when it is created if a Web application was configured as part of your deployment of Team Foundation Server. However, you might not have had a Web application configured for your deployment when you created the collection, or you might have overridden the default settings and not configured a Web application for the collection. In either case, you can add one or more Web applications to a collection at any time after a Web application has been added to support the deployment.
You cannot automatically add team project portals to the projects that already exist in a collection simply by adding a SharePoint Web application to a collection. After you add a Web application, you can, in the Create a New Team Project Wizard, create a project portal for the project that you are creating. However, any team projects that already exist in that collection will not have portals automatically created for them on that Web application. If you want to add a team project portal to existing projects, you must perform additional steps. For more information, see Add a Team Project Portal.
Required Permissions
To perform these procedures, you must be a member of the following groups:
The Team Foundation Administrators group, or your Edit instance-level information permission must be set to Allow.
The Site Collection Administrators group or your Full Control permission must be set to Allow in SharePoint Products.
For Team Foundation Server and SharePoint Products to interoperate correctly, both the service account that the Visual Studio Team Foundation Background Job Agent (TFSService) uses and the service account that the SharePoint Web application uses must have certain permissions. For more information, see Service Accounts and Dependencies in Team Foundation Server, Add Integration with SharePoint Products to a Deployment of Team Foundation Server, and Team Foundation Background Job Agent.
For more information about permissions, see Team Foundation Server Permissions.
To add a SharePoint Web application and a default root location in which project administrators will create team project portals
Open the administration console for Team Foundation.
For more information, see Open the Team Foundation Administration Console.
Under Team Foundation, expand the name of the server, expand Application Tier, and then click Team Project Collections.
In the Team Project Collections list, click the collection for which you want to add a Web application and a default location where team project portals will be created.
On the SharePoint Site tab, click Edit Default Site Location.
The Edit Default Site Location window appears.
In the SharePoint Web Application list, click an application.
In Relative Path, type the relative path of the location where sites and sub-sites will be created on the Web application for this collection.
If the site does not exist, a SharePoint Site dialog will appear asking you to confirm creation of a site. Click Yes.
In Full Path, review the information, and then click OK if it is correct.
See Also
Add Integration with SharePoint Products to a Deployment of Team Foundation Server
Integrate Team Foundation Server with SharePoint Products Without Administrative Permissions
Add a SharePoint Web Application to Your Deployment
Interactions Between SharePoint Products and Team Foundation Server
Organizing Your Server with Team Project Collections