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InitializeCorrelation Activity Designer

The InitializeCorrelation activity designer is used to create and configure an InitializeCorrelation activity that is used to establish a correlation between messages prior to sending or receiving them.

The InitializeCorrelation Activity

An InitializeCorrelation activity is used to initialize correlations without sending or receiving a message. Typically correlation is initialized when sending or receiving a message. If correlation must be established before a message is sent or received, use InitializeCorrelation to initialize the correlation.

Using the InitializeCorrelation Activity Designer

The InitializeCorrelation activity designer can be found in the Messaging category of the Toolbox, which is accessed by clicking the Toolbox tab on the Workflow Designer (Alternatively, select Toolbar from the View menu or CTRL+ALT+X.)

The InitializeCorrelation activity designer can be dragged from the Toolbox and dropped on to the Workflow Designer surface. This creates a InitializeCorrelation activity with a default DisplayName of InitializeCorrelation. The DisplayName can be edited in the header of the InitializeCorrelation activity designer or in the DisplayName box of the Properties window.

The CorrelationHandle can be specifies in the Correlation field in Properties window on the InitializeCorrelation activity designer surface.

Clicking the ellipse button besides the CorrelationData field in Properties window or the “View …” hint text on InitializeCorrelation activity designer surface displays the Initialize Correlation dialog box in which you can specify the correlation handle and the key-value pairs used to initialize it. For more information about using this dialog box, see the Type Collection Editor Dialog Box topic.

The InitializeCorrelation Properties

The following table shows the InitializeCorrelation properties and describes how they are used in the designer. These properties can be edited in Properties window or on Workflow Designer surface.

Property Name Required Usage



The friendly name of the InitializeCorrelation activity. The default value is InitializeCorrelation.

Although the use of a non-default value for the friendly DisplayName is not strictly required, it is a best practice to use such a value.



The CorrelationHandle used to associate workflow activities in the correlation.



A dictionary of correlation data that relates messages to the workflow instance.

Use the Initialize Correlation dialog box to configure the CorrelationData. For more information about the use this dialog box, see the Type Collection Editor Dialog Box topic.

See Also


CorrelationScope Activity Designer
Receive Activity Designer
ReceiveAndSendReply Template Designer
Send Activity Designer
SendAndReceiveReply Template Designer
TransactedReceiveScope Activity Designer