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Setting Application Properties

In this lesson, you will learn how to set additional application properties in LightSwitch.

Setting Application Properties

In previous lessons, you learned how to set application properties related to screen navigation, access control, and extensions. There are several more application-wide properties that you can set that are related to the display name, application version, and application type.

To change the application display name

  1. In Solution Explorer, double-click Properties to open the Application designer.

  2. In the Application Designer, click the General Properties tab.

  3. In the Application name field, type Northwind Application.

To change the application version

  • On the General Properties tab of the Application Designer, select the Application version field and in the second text box type 1000.

To change the application type

  1. In the Application Designer, click the Application Type tab.

  2. In the Client section select Desktop.

  3. In the Application Server section, select Run application services on the end user’s machine.

Closer Look

In this lesson, you learned how to set additional application properties.

The default name for an application is the project name. The project name cannot contain spaces. Therefore, you will usually want to change the Application name property to something more readable.

The application version consists of a major and a minor version number. You typically change the minor version number every time you publish your application, for example, after fixing a bug. You typically change the major version number only when you make a significant change, such as adding new screens. In this lesson, you set the minor version to 1000. This enables you to publish thousands of updates to version 1 of your application.

The Client and Application Server properties enable you to set both the type (desktop or browser) and deployment topology (local, IIS, or Windows Azure) for your application. A desktop application is installed on a local computer and opened from the Start menu. A browser application is installed on a remote server and is opened from a URL. In a local topology, both the application and the application database are located on the local computer; the database cannot be shared. In an IIS or Windows Azure topology, the application database is located on a server and can be accessed by multiple users.

You can change the Client property at any time, even after the application has been deployed.


If the application includes code that accesses local resources such as the file system, that code might cause run-time errors in a web client. You should remove or comment out any code that accesses local resources before changing an application to a web client.

Next Steps

In the next lesson, you will learn how to set program icon and image properties.

Next lesson: Adding an Icon

See Also


How to: Manage Application Settings


Changing Application Settings