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SilverlightControl Class

Represents a control.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.SilverlightControls
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.Silverlight (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.Silverlight.dll)


Public Class SilverlightControl _
    Inherits UITestControl
public class SilverlightControl : UITestControl
public ref class SilverlightControl : public UITestControl
type SilverlightControl =  
        inherit UITestControl
public class SilverlightControl extends UITestControl

The SilverlightControl type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SilverlightControl() Initializes a new instance of the SilverlightControl class.
Public method SilverlightControl(UITestControl) Initializes a new instance of the SilverlightControl class that has the specified parent.



  Name Description
Public property AcceleratorKey Gets the shortcut key for the control.
Public property AccessKey Gets the keyboard shortcut for the control.
Public property AutomationId Gets the automation ID for the control.
Public property BackgroundColor Gets the background color for the control.
Public property BoundingRectangle (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property ClassName (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property Container (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property ControlType (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property Enabled (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property Exists (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property FilterProperties (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property Font Gets the font for the control.
Public property ForegroundColor Gets the foreground color of the control.
Public property FriendlyName (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property HasFocus (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property Height Gets the height of the control.
Public property HelpText Gets the Help text for the control.
Public property IsTopParent (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property LabeledBy Gets the label text for the control.
Public property Name (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property NativeElement (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property SearchConfigurations (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property SearchProperties (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Protected property SearchPropertiesSetExplicitly (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property TechnologyName (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property TopParent (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property Width Gets the width of the control.
Public property WindowHandle (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public property WindowTitles (Inherited from UITestControl.)



  Name Description
Public method CaptureImage (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method CopyFrom (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method DrawHighlight (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method EnsureClickable() (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method EnsureClickable(Point) (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Find (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method FindMatchingControls (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method GetChildren (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method GetClickablePoint (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method GetParent (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method GetProperty (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method GetPropertyAsString Gets the value of the specified property as a string.
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetUITestControlsForSearch When overridden in a derived class, gets the array of UITestControl objects to search. (Overrides UITestControl.GetUITestControlsForSearch().)
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method SetFocus (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method SetProperty (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method TryGetClickablePoint (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlCondition(Predicate<UITestControl>) (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlCondition(Predicate<UITestControl>, Int32) (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlEnabled() (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlEnabled(Int32) (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlExist() (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlExist(Int32) (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlNotExist() (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlNotExist(Int32) (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlPropertyEqual(String, Object) (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlPropertyEqual(String, Object, Int32) (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlPropertyNotEqual(String, Object) (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlPropertyNotEqual(String, Object, Int32) (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlReady() (Inherited from UITestControl.)
Public method WaitForControlReady(Int32) (Inherited from UITestControl.)


Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.SilverlightControls Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
