Transact-SQL Database Debugging

This topic applies to:

Visual Studio Ultimate

Visual Studio Premium

Visual Studio Professional

Visual Studio Express

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This section contains walkthroughs demonstrating debugging for commonly used SQL Server database object types. These walkthroughs emphasize the use of Server Explorer to step into the Transact-SQL code of a database object. You can also debug Transact-SQL database objects with Visual Studio in the following ways:

Developers using SQL Server beginning with SQL Server 2008 can also debug Transact-SQL objects by using the Database Engine Query Editor in SQL Server Management Studio. The Database Engine Query Editor beginning with SQL Server 2008 has debugging functionality similar to the Transact-SQL debugger in Visual Studio 2010.

In This Section

See Also


Debugging Transact-SQL

Other Resources

Debugging Transact-SQL Database Objects

Common Procedure Reference (Debugging Transact-SQL)