When working with a dynaset-type or snapshot-type recordset, if you call GetPercentPosition before fully populating the recordset, the amount of movement is relative to the number of records accessed as indicated by calling GetRecordCount.
float GetPercentPosition( );
Return Value
A number between 0 and 100 that indicates the approximate location of the current record in the recordset object based on a percentage of the records in the recordset.
You can move to the last record by calling MoveLast to complete the population of all recordsets, but this may take a significant amount of time.
You can call GetPercentPosition on all three types of recordset objects, including tables without indexes. However, you cannot call GetPercentPosition on forward-only scrolling snapshots, or on a recordset opened from a pass-through query against an external database. If there is no current record, or he current record has been deleted, a CDaoException is thrown.
For related information, see the topic "PercentPosition Property" in DAO Help.
Header: afxdao.h
See Also