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XmlMappedRange Methods

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The XmlMappedRange type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method _PasteSpecial Infrastructure.
Public method _PrintOut Infrastructure.
Public method Activate Activates a single cell XmlMappedRange control.
Public method AddComment Adds a comment to the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method AllocateChanges Performs a writeback operation for all edited cells in an XML mapped range based on an OLAP data source.
Public method AutoComplete Gets an AutoComplete match from the list.
Public method AutoFilter Filters a list using the AutoFilter.
Public method AutoOutline Automatically creates an outline for the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method BeginInit Signals the object that initialization is starting. (Inherited from ISupportInitialize.)
Public method BorderAround Adds a border to an XmlMappedRange control and sets the Color, LineStyle, and Weight properties for the new border.
Public method BorderAround2 Adds a border to a XmlMappedRange control and sets the Color, LineStyle, and Weight properties for the new border.
Public method Calculate Calculates the value of the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method CalculateRowMajorOrder Calculates the value in each item in the range in row-major order.
Public method CheckSpelling Checks the spelling of text in the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method Clear Clears the entire XmlMappedRange control.
Public method ClearComments Clears all cell comments from the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method ClearContents Clears the formulas from the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method ClearFormats Clears the formatting of the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method ClearHyperlinks Removes all hyperlinks from the specified range.
Public method ClearNotes Clears notes and sound notes from the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method ClearOutline Clears the outline for the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method ColumnDifferences Gets a Range that represents all the cells whose contents are different from the comparison cell in each column.
Public method Consolidate Consolidates data from multiple ranges on multiple worksheets into an XmlMappedRange control.
Public method Copy Copies the contents of the XmlMappedRange control to the specified range or to the Clipboard.
Public method CopyFromRecordset Copies the contents of an ADO or DAO recordset onto a worksheet, beginning at the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method CopyPicture Copies the XmlMappedRange control to the Clipboard as a picture.
Public method CreateNames Creates names in the XmlMappedRange control, based on text labels in the worksheet.
Public method CreatePublisher Infrastructure.
Public method Cut Cuts the contents of the XmlMappedRange control to the Clipboard or pastes it into a specified destination.
Public method DataSeries Creates a data series in the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method DialogBox Displays a dialog box defined by a dialog box definition table on a Microsoft Office Excel 4.0 macro sheet.
Public method Dirty Designates an XmlMappedRange control to be recalculated when the next recalculation occurs.
Public method DiscardChanges Discards all changes in the edited cells of the Xml mapped range.
Public method Dispose Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public method EditionOptions Infrastructure.
Public method EndInit Signals the object that initialization is complete. (Inherited from ISupportInitialize.)
Public method ExportAsFixedFormat Exports to a file of the specified format.
Public method FillDown Fills down from the top cell in the XmlMappedRange control to the bottom of the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method FillLeft Fills left from the rightmost cell in the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method FillRight Fills right from the leftmost cell in the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method FillUp Fills up from the bottom cell in the specified range to the top of the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method Find Finds specific information in an XmlMappedRange control, and returns a Range that represents the first cell where that information is found.
Public method FindNext Continues a search that was begun with the Find method.
Public method FindPrevious Continues a search that was begun with the Find method.
Public method FunctionWizard Starts the Function Wizard for the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method get_Address Infrastructure.
Public method get_AddressLocal Infrastructure.
Public method get_Characters Infrastructure.
Public method get_End Infrastructure.
Public method get_Item Infrastructure.
Public method get_Offset Infrastructure.
Public method get_Range Infrastructure.
Public method get_Resize Infrastructure.
Public method get_Value Infrastructure.
Public method GetEnumerator Gets an enumerator that can be used to iterate over an XmlMappedRange control.
Public method GoalSeek Calculates the values necessary to achieve a specific goal.
Public method Group When the XmlMappedRange control represents a single cell in the data range of a PivotTable field, the Group method performs numeric or date-based grouping in that field.
Public method Insert Inserts a cell into the XmlMappedRange control and shifts other cells away to make space.
Public method InsertIndent Adds an indent to the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method Justify Rearranges the text in an XmlMappedRange control so that it fills the range evenly.
Public method ListNames Pastes a list of all displayed names onto the worksheet, beginning with the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method Merge Creates a merged cell from the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method NavigateArrow Navigates a tracer arrow for the XmlMappedRange control to the precedent, dependent, or error-causing cell or cells.
Public method NoteText Gets or sets the cell note associated with the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method Parse Parses a range of data and breaks it into multiple cells
Public method PasteSpecial Pastes the contents of a Range from the Clipboard into the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method PrintOut Prints the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method PrintOutEx Prints out the XmlMappedRange.
Public method PrintPreview Shows a preview of the XmlMappedRange control as it would look when printed.
Public method RemoveDuplicates Removes duplicate values from a range of values.
Public method RemoveSubtotal Removes subtotals from an XmlMappedRange control.
Public method Replace Replaces the specified characters in the XmlMappedRange control with a new string.
Public method RowDifferences Gets a Range that represents the cells whose contents are different from those of the comparison cell in each row.
Public method Run Infrastructure.
Public method Select Selects the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method set_Item Infrastructure.
Public method set_Value Infrastructure.
Public method SetPhonetic Creates Phonetic objects for the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method Show Scrolls through the contents of the active window to move the XmlMappedRange control into view.
Public method ShowDependents Draws tracer arrows to the direct dependents of the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method ShowErrors Draws tracer arrows through the precedents tree to the cell that is the source of the error, and returns the range that contains that cell.
Public method ShowPrecedents Draws tracer arrows to the direct precedents of the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method Speak Causes the cells of the XmlMappedRange control to be spoken in row order or column order.
Public method SpecialCells Gets a Range that represents all the cells that match the specified type and value.
Public method SubscribeTo Infrastructure.
Public method Subtotal Creates subtotals for the XmlMappedRange control.
Public method Table Creates a data table based on input values and formulas that you define on a worksheet.
Public method TextToColumns Parses a column of cells that contain text into several columns.
Public method Ungroup Promotes an XmlMappedRange control in an outline (that is, decreases its outline level).
Public method UnMerge Separates a merged area into individual cells.


See Also


XmlMappedRange Interface

Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel Namespace