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Microsoft.VisualStudio.XmlEditor Namespace

Exposes the XML Editor parse tree through System.Xml.Linq for any XML documents.


Class Description
AddNodeChange Represents node insert operations.

NodeNameChange Represents node name change operations.

NodeValueChange Represents node value change operations.

RemoveNodeChange Represents node removal operations.

XmlEditingScope Represents a change to the XmlStore.

XmlEditingScopeEventArgs Provides the arguments for the XmlStore.EditingScopeCompleted and XmlStore.UndoRedoCompleted events.

XmlEditorService Provides access to the XML Editor parse tree. This class is a publicly accessible Visual Studio service that you can get from your IServiceProvider interface.

XmlModel Represents one XML Editor buffer and returns a parse tree over that buffer in the form of an XDocument object.

XmlModelChange An abstract class. The concrete change types that are generated during a transaction derive from this class.

XmlSchemaContext Provides the schema set associated with an XML Editor buffer.
XmlSchemaReference Represents the combination of an XML schema location and a target namespace.
XmlSchemaReferenceException Represents errors reported by the XmlSchemaSetBuilder when a call to XmlSchemaSetBuilder.Compile reports errors.
XmlSchemaService Contains a set of routines to assist XML schema discovery and compilation operations.
XmlSchemaSetBuilder Builds a self-contained set of schemas that will be compiled as a unit.
XmlStore Manages the XmlModel objects.


Interface Description
IXmlSchemaDesignerService Microsoft internal use only.


Enumeration Description
XmlEditingScopeStatus Defines values that specify different states of the XmlEditingScope.
XmlModelSaveAction Specifies the action to be performed when the contents of the XML editor are closed.

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