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RolePlayerComboCell Methods

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Include Inherited Members

The RolePlayerComboCell type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AdjustCellBorderStyle Modifies the input cell border style according to the specified criteria. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method BorderWidths Returns a Rectangle that represents the widths of all the cell margins. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method ClickUnsharesRow Indicates whether the cell's row will be unshared when the cell is clicked. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Public method Clone Creates an exact copy of this cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)
Protected method ContentClickUnsharesRow Indicates whether the cell's row will be unshared when the cell's content is clicked. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method ContentDoubleClickUnsharesRow Indicates whether the cell's row will be unshared when the cell's content is double-clicked. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method CreateAccessibilityInstance Creates a new accessible object for the DataGridViewCell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Public method DetachEditingControl Removes the cell's editing control from the DataGridView. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)
Public method Dispose Releases all resources used by the DataGridViewCell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method Dispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by the DataGridViewCell and optionally releases the managed resources. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method DoubleClickUnsharesRow Indicates whether the cell's row will be unshared when the cell is double-clicked. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method EnterUnsharesRow Indicates whether the parent row will be unshared when the focus moves to the cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Public method Equals Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize Releases the unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the DataGridViewCell is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method GetClipboardContent Retrieves the formatted value of the cell to copy to the Clipboard. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Public method GetContentBounds(Int32) Returns the bounding rectangle that encloses the cell's content area using a default Graphics and cell style currently in effect for the cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method GetContentBounds(Graphics, DataGridViewCellStyle, Int32) Returns the bounding rectangle that encloses the cell's content area, which is calculated using the specified Graphics and cell style. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)
Public method GetEditedFormattedValue Returns the current, formatted value of the cell, regardless of whether the cell is in edit mode and the value has not been committed. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method GetErrorIconBounds Returns the bounding rectangle that encloses the cell's error icon, if one is displayed. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)
Protected method GetErrorText Returns a string that represents the error for the cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method GetFormattedValue Format the value (Overrides DataGridViewComboBoxCell.GetFormattedValue(Object, Int32, DataGridViewCellStyle, TypeConverter, TypeConverter, DataGridViewDataErrorContexts).)
Public method GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetInheritedContextMenuStrip Gets the inherited shortcut menu for the current cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Public method GetInheritedState Returns a value indicating the current state of the cell as inherited from the state of its row and column. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Public method GetInheritedStyle Gets the style applied to the cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method GetPreferredSize Calculates the preferred size, in pixels, of the cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)
Protected method GetSize Gets the size of the cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetValue Gets the value of the cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Public method InitializeEditingControl (Overrides DataGridViewComboBoxCell.InitializeEditingControl(Int32, Object, DataGridViewCellStyle).)
Protected method KeyDownUnsharesRow Indicates whether the parent row is unshared if the user presses a key while the focus is on the cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Public method KeyEntersEditMode Determines if edit mode should be started based on the given key. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)
Protected method KeyPressUnsharesRow Indicates whether a row will be unshared if a key is pressed while a cell in the row has focus. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method KeyUpUnsharesRow Indicates whether the parent row is unshared when the user releases a key while the focus is on the cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method LeaveUnsharesRow Indicates whether a row will be unshared when the focus leaves a cell in the row. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MouseClickUnsharesRow Indicates whether a row will be unshared if the user clicks a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell in the row. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method MouseDoubleClickUnsharesRow Indicates whether a row will be unshared if the user double-clicks a cell in the row. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method MouseDownUnsharesRow Indicates whether a row will be unshared when the user holds down a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell in the row. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method MouseEnterUnsharesRow Indicates whether a row will be unshared when the mouse pointer moves over a cell in the row. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method MouseLeaveUnsharesRow Indicates whether a row will be unshared when the mouse pointer leaves the row. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method MouseMoveUnsharesRow Indicates whether a row will be unshared when the mouse pointer moves over a cell in the row. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method MouseUpUnsharesRow Indicates whether a row will be unshared when the user releases a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell in the row. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method OnClick Called when the cell is clicked. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method OnContentClick Called when the cell's contents are clicked. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method OnContentDoubleClick Called when the cell's contents are double-clicked. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method OnDataGridViewChanged Handle data grid changes (Overrides DataGridViewComboBoxCell.OnDataGridViewChanged.)
Protected method OnDoubleClick Called when the cell is double-clicked. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method OnEnter Called when the focus moves to a cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)
Protected method OnKeyDown Called when a character key is pressed while the focus is on a cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method OnKeyPress Called when a key is pressed while the focus is on a cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method OnKeyUp Called when a character key is released while the focus is on a cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method OnLeave (Overrides DataGridViewComboBoxCell.OnLeave(Int32, Boolean).)
Protected method OnMouseClick Called when the user clicks a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)
Protected method OnMouseDoubleClick Called when the user double-clicks a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method OnMouseDown Called when the user holds down a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method OnMouseEnter Called when the mouse pointer moves over a cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)
Protected method OnMouseLeave Called when the mouse pointer leaves the cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)
Protected method OnMouseMove Called when the mouse pointer moves within a cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)
Protected method OnMouseUp Called when the user releases a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method Paint Paints the current DataGridViewComboBoxCell. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)
Protected method PaintBorder Paints the border of the current DataGridViewCell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method PaintErrorIcon Paints the error icon of the current DataGridViewCell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Public method ParseFormattedValue Parse the value (Overrides DataGridViewComboBoxCell.ParseFormattedValue(Object, DataGridViewCellStyle, TypeConverter, TypeConverter).)
Public method PositionEditingControl Sets the location and size of the editing control hosted by a cell in the DataGridView control. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Public method PositionEditingPanel Sets the location and size of the editing panel hosted by the cell, and returns the normal bounds of the editing control within the editing panel. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Protected method RaiseCellClick Raises the DataGridView.CellClick event. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement.)
Protected method RaiseCellContentClick Raises the DataGridView.CellContentClick event. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement.)
Protected method RaiseCellContentDoubleClick Raises the DataGridView.CellContentDoubleClick event. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement.)
Protected method RaiseCellValueChanged Raises the DataGridView.CellValueChanged event. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement.)
Protected method RaiseDataError Raises the DataGridView.DataError event. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement.)
Protected method RaiseMouseWheel Raises the Control.MouseWheel event. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement.)
Protected method SetValue Sets the value of the cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewCell.)
Public method ToString Returns a string that describes the current object. (Inherited from DataGridViewComboBoxCell.)


See Also


RolePlayerComboCell Class

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Design Namespace