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ITestRun.AddTest Method (Int32, String, String, ITmiTestImplementation)

Creates a new test result in the test run against a test configuration. Does not require an existing test case for the test result.

Must be followed by a Save().

Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.dll)


Function AddTest ( _
    configurationId As Integer, _
    testCaseTitle As String, _
    testCaseAreaUri As String, _
    implementation As ITmiTestImplementation _
) As ITestCaseResult
ITestCaseResult AddTest(
    int configurationId,
    string testCaseTitle,
    string testCaseAreaUri,
    ITmiTestImplementation implementation
ITestCaseResult^ AddTest(
    int configurationId, 
    String^ testCaseTitle, 
    String^ testCaseAreaUri, 
    ITmiTestImplementation^ implementation
abstract AddTest : 
        configurationId:int * 
        testCaseTitle:string * 
        testCaseAreaUri:string * 
        implementation:ITmiTestImplementation -> ITestCaseResult
function AddTest(
    configurationId : int, 
    testCaseTitle : String, 
    testCaseAreaUri : String, 
    implementation : ITmiTestImplementation
) : ITestCaseResult


  • configurationId
    Type: Int32

    ID of configuration to test against.

  • testCaseTitle
    Type: String

    Title of the pseudo test case

  • testCaseAreaUri
    Type: String

    Area path where the pseudo test case should be. Default is the root area path.

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.ITestCaseResult

.NET Framework Security

See Also


ITestRun Interface

AddTest Overload

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client Namespace