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IScheduler::AddVirtualProcessors Method

Provides a scheduler with a set of virtual processor roots for its use. Each IVirtualProcessorRoot interface represents the right to execute a single thread that can perform work on behalf of the scheduler.

virtual void AddVirtualProcessors(
   _In_reads_(count) IVirtualProcessorRoot ** ppVirtualProcessorRoots,
   unsigned int count
) =0;


  • ppVirtualProcessorRoots
    An array of IVirtualProcessorRoot interfaces representing the virtual processor roots being added to the scheduler.

  • count
    The number of IVirtualProcessorRoot interfaces in the array.


The Resource Manager invokes the AddVirtualProcessor method to grant an initial set of virtual processor roots to a scheduler. It could also invoke the method to add virtual processor roots to the scheduler when it rebalances resources among schedulers.


Header: concrtrm.h

Namespace: concurrency

See Also


IScheduler Structure

IVirtualProcessorRoot Structure

IScheduler::RemoveVirtualProcessors Method