ActivitiesResources Class
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities
Assembly: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.dll)
Public NotInheritable Class ActivitiesResources
public static class ActivitiesResources
public ref class ActivitiesResources abstract sealed
type ActivitiesResources = class end
public final class ActivitiesResources
The ActivitiesResources type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Manager |
Name | Description | |
Format | ||
Get | ||
GetBool | ||
GetInt |
Name | Description | |
ActivityCategoryChooseProperties | Choose Properties | |
ActivityCategoryMiscellaneous | Misc | |
ActivityCategoryProperties | Properties | |
AddingMapping | Adding mapping from '{0}' to '{1}'. | |
AgentScopeAgentReservationSpecCategory | Agent Selection | |
AgentScopeAgentReservationSpecDescription | Specify the agent to use for this remote execution. | |
AgentScopeDataToIgnoreCategory | Scope | |
AgentScopeDataToIgnoreDescription | Specify any variables that should be ignored by this agent scope. The format is a comma separated list. | |
AgentScopeDescription | Run Remotely | |
AgentScopeMaxExecutionTimeCategory | Execution | |
AgentScopeMaxExecutionTimeDescription | Specify the maximum amount of time that you want to allow for this part of the work flow to run. The default value is zero which means there is no timeout. | |
AgentScopeMaxExecutionTimeDisplayName | Maximum Agent Execution Time | |
AgentScopeMaxWaitTimeCategory | Agent Selection | |
AgentScopeMaxWaitTimeDescription | Specify the maximum amount of time that you want to allow waiting for an agent. The default value is zero which means there is no timeout. | |
AgentScopeMaxWaitTimeDisplayName | Maximum Agent Reservation Wait Time | |
AgentScopeNameDescription | Specify the agent to use for this remote execution by display name (this is not the computer name). Supported wildcard characters include '*' and '?'. | |
AgentScopeNameDisplayName | Name Filter | |
AgentScopeTagComparisonDescription | Specify the comparison method to use for tags when selecting a build agent. | |
AgentScopeTagComparisonDisplayName | Tag Comparison Operator | |
AgentScopeTagsDescription | Specify the tags used to select the build agent. | |
AgentScopeTagsDisplayName | Tags Filter | |
AgentSettings_MaxExecutionTimeFormat | ; Max Execution Time: {0} | |
AgentSettings_MaxWaitTimeFormat | ; Max Wait Time: {0} | |
AgentSettings_NameFormat_MatchAtLeast | Use agent where Name={0} | |
AgentSettings_NameFormat_MatchExactly | Use agent where Name={0} and Tags is empty | |
AgentSettings_TagsFormat_MatchAtLeast | Use agent where Name={0} and Tags contain {1} | |
AgentSettings_TagsFormat_MatchExactly | Use agent where Name={0} and Tags match exactly {1} | |
AgileTailoredTestPrerequisiteFail | Could not start tailored test run because {0} | |
AgileTestMessageFormat | {0}: {1} | |
AgileTestPlatformDisableAutoFakesDescription | Specify that automatic Fakes run settings configuration should be disabled. | |
AgileTestPlatformExecutionPlatformDescription | Specify target platform for test execution. | |
AgileTestPlatformExecutionPlatformDisplayName | Target platform for test execution. | |
AgileTestPlatformInvalidArgumentException | TF900545: The RunTestsActivity was invoked without a value for TestSources. | |
AgileTestPlatformRunSettingsDescription | Specify the test run configuration file to use. | |
AgileTestPlatformSpecDescription | Specify the search pattern for locating test sources - e.g. **\*test*.dll. | |
AgileTestPlatformSpecDisplayName | Test Sources Spec | |
AgileTestPlatformTestCaseResultMessage | {1} {0} | |
AgileTestPlatformTestFailureException | The RunTests Activity returned a test failure indicating that not all tests passed. | |
AgileTestPlatformTestRunCompletedMessage | Test Run Completed. {0} tests executed. | |
AgileTestPlatformTestRunMessage | {0} | |
AgileTestRunTitleFormat | {0}_{1} | |
ApprovedShelvesetForCheckIn | Shelveset {0} for request {1} has been approved for check-in. | |
AssociateBuildOutputsDescription | Associate build outputs from the build agent with the build. | |
AssociateBuildOutputsWorkspaceDescription | Specify the version control workspace to work with. | |
AssociateChangesetsCurrentLabelDescription | Specify the label used by the current build. | |
AssociateChangesetsDescription | Associate changesets and work items | |
AssociateChangesetsException | Error occurred while associating changesets: {0} | |
AssociateChangesetsLastLabelDescription | Specify the label to compare against. | |
AssociateChangesetsUpdateWorkItemsDescription | Select true if you want to update the Fixed In field for the associated work items. | |
BadTargetsFileVersion | TF270000: The TFSBuild workflow activity cannot continue because it requires a build targets file that is version {0} or higher. The version of the current build targets file is {1}. To fix this problem, log on to build machine {2}, open Control Panel, and run Repair on Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 to reinstall the appropriate version of {3}. | |
BeginCheckedInArgumentComment | Begin Checked In TfsBuild.rsp Arguments | |
BeginRunTimeArgumentComment | Begin Run Time Arguments | |
BeginTeamBuildArgumentComment | Begin Team Build Generated Arguments | |
BuildNumberFormatDescription | Build number format | |
BuildOutputsDescription | Build Outputs | |
BuildSettings_MultipleProjectDefaultConfigurationFormat | {0} is the count of build projects Build {0} projects with default platforms and configurations | |
BuildSettings_MultipleProjectMultipleConfigurationFormat | {0} is the count of build projects; {1} is the count of platforms and configurations Build {0} project(s) for {1} platform(s) and configuration(s) | |
BuildSettings_SingleProjectDefaultConfigurationFormat | {0} is the name of the file to build Build {0} with default platform and configuration | |
BuildSettingsPlatformConfigurationsDescription | Specify the list of configurations. If no configurations are specified each solution or project will be built using its default configuration. | |
BuildSettingsPlatformConfigurationsDisplayName | Configurations to Build | |
BuildSettingsProjectsToBuildDescription | Specify the list of solutions or projects to build. | |
BuildSettingsProjectsToBuildDisplayName | Projects to Build | |
BuildUpdateForWorkItem | The Fixed In field was updated as part of associating work items with the build. | |
BuiltChangeset | Changeset '{0:d}' was included in this build. | |
CannotFindCurrentLabel | Error: Cannot find the current label '{0}'. | |
CannotFindLastLabel | Warning: Cannot find the last label '{0}': no changesets will be associated with the build. | |
CheckinGatedChangesDescription | Check in gated changes | |
ConvertWorkspaceItemDescription | Convert a path from $/server to c:\local or vice versa. | |
ConvertWorkspaceItemDirectionDescription | Specify the direction to convert. From local paths to server paths or from server paths to local paths. | |
ConvertWorkspaceItemInputDescription | Specify the path that you want to convert | |
ConvertWorkspaceItemInputsDescription | Specify the paths that you want to convert. | |
ConvertWorkspaceItemsDescription | Convert a list of paths like $/server to c:\local or vice versa. | |
ConvertWorkspaceItemWorkspaceDescription | Specify the workspace to use for conversion. | |
CopyDestinationNullOrEmpty | TF270001: Failed to copy. The destination directory is null. | |
CopyDirectoryDescription | Copy directory | |
CopyDirectoryDestinationDescription | Specify the destination directory. | |
CopyDirectoryException | TF270002: An error occurred copying files from '{0}' to '{1}'. Details: {2} | |
CopyDirectoryNonFatalException | A non-fatal error occurred copying files from '{0}' to '{1}'. Details: {2} | |
CopyDirectorySourceDescription | Specify the source directory. | |
CopySourceNotExist | TF270003: Failed to copy. Ensure the source directory {0} exists and that you have the appropriate permissions. | |
CopySourceNullOrEmpty | TF270004: Failed to copy. The source directory is null. | |
CoreGet | Getting sources | |
CoreLabel | Labeling sources | |
CreateDirectoryDescription | Create directory | |
CreateDirectoryDirectoryDescription | Specify the directory path to create. | |
CreateDirectoryIOError | Failed to create directory '{0}'. Details: {1} | |
CreateDirectoryUnauthorizedError | Failed to create directory '{0}'. User '{1}' needs write permissions to the path. | |
CreateWorkItem | Creating work item | |
CreateWorkItemAssignedToDescription | Specify the account to assign this work item to. | |
CreateWorkItemCommentDescription | Specify the comment to use for this work item. | |
CreateWorkItemCustomFieldValuesDescription | Specify any other fields and their values that you want to set. | |
CreateWorkItemDescription | Create a work item | |
CreateWorkItemTitleDescription | Specify the title for the work item. | |
CreateWorkItemWorkItemTypeDescription | Specify the type of work item that you want to create. | |
CreateWorkspaceBuildDirectoryDescription | Specify the local directory that should be used in place of $(BuildDir). | |
CreateWorkspaceCommentDescription | Specify the comment to use for the workspace. | |
CreateWorkspaceDescription | Create a workspace | |
CreateWorkspaceFolderInUse | {0} The Build Agent {1} is running as a different user {2} and local paths can only be mapped to a single workspace. To resolve this issue, you can configure the Build Service to run as the user who owns the conflicting workspace, or you can delete the workspace using the 'tf workspace' command. | |
CreateWorkspaceSecurityDescription | Specify an optional access control list to apply permissions to the workspace. | |
CreateWorkspaceSourcesDirectoryDescription | Specify the local directory that should be used in place of $(SourcesDir). | |
CreateWorkspaceWorkspaceNameDescription | Specify the name of the version control workspace to create. | |
DefaultWorkItemType | Bug | |
DeleteDirectoryDescription | Delete a directory (and all its contents). | |
DeleteDirectoryDirectoryDescription | The directory to be deleted. | |
DeleteDirectoryRecursiveDescription | True to delete all sub-directories, else false. | |
DeleteShelvesetError | TF270005: An error occurred deleting shelveset {0}. Details: {1} | |
DeleteWorkspaceDeleteLocalItemsDescription | Specify true if you want to remove all the local files and folders. | |
DeleteWorkspaceDescription | Remove the workspace. | |
DeleteWorkspaceNameDescription | Specify the name of the version control workspace to remove. | |
DeprecatedProperty | The property {0} has been deprecated: use {1} instead. | |
DesignTimeMacro_Revision | {0} | |
DisablingCodeCoverageInAppContainerTestExecution | ||
DoUpdateWorkItemsException | Error occurred while updating work items: {0} | |
DownloadFileDescription | Download a file from the version control server. | |
DownloadFilesDeletionIdDescription | Specify the deletion id to use. This is not needed if the item has not been deleted from version control. | |
DownloadFilesDescription | Download files from the version control server. | |
DownloadFilesException | The following error occurred during file download: {0} | |
DownloadFilesLocalPathDescription | Specify the local path to download the server item to. | |
DownloadFilesRecursionDescription | Specify the type of recursion to use. | |
DownloadFilesServerPathDescription | Specify the version control server path of the file or folder that you want to download. | |
DownloadFilesVersionControlServerDescription | Specify the version control server to use. | |
DownloadFilesVersionDescription | The version of the server item to download. | |
EmptyChangeset | No changesets are submitted to build '{0}'. | |
EmptyDropLocationRootException | TF270006: The drop location for this build was empty. The build definition '{0}' (or the build request) must specify a valid path as the drop location for the build. Update the build definition and try again. | |
EndCheckedInArgumentComment | End Checked In TfsBuild.rsp Arguments | |
EndRunTimeArgumentComment | End Run Time Arguments | |
EndTeamBuildArgumentComment | End Team Build Generated Arguments | |
ErrorRetrievingLabel | Error retrieving label '{0}': {1} | |
EvaluateCheckinPoliciesDescription | Evaluate the specified workspace for check-in policy errors | |
EvaluateCheckinPoliciesEvaluationFailed | The shelveset {0} contains check-in policy errors. | |
EvaluateCheckinPoliciesWorkspaceDescription | Specify the version control workspace to evaluate. | |
ExpandEnvironmentVariablesAdditionalVariablesDescription | Any additional variables and their values that you would like to expand as well. | |
ExpandEnvironmentVariablesDescription | Expands any environment variables of the form $(envvar) in the string to their corresponding values and returns the new string. | |
ExpandEnvironmentVariablesInputDescription | The input string to expand. | |
FailedAutoMerge | Auto-merge failed for item {0}. | |
FieldErrorFormat | Field: '{0}' Value: '{1}' | |
FieldErrorsSavingWorkItem | TF42097: A work item could not be saved due to a field error. The following fields have incorrect values:{0} | |
FileNotFoundError | File not found: {0} | |
FindMatchingFilesDescription | Find files that match the pattern | |
FindMatchingFilesError | TF270007: The following error was encountered in the FindMatchingFiles activity: {0} | |
FindMatchingFilesMatchPatternDescription | Specify the file pattern to use for including files. | |
GatedCheckinCancelled | Skipped execution because of compilation status or test status. | |
GenerateRunSettingsDescription | Generates run settings file to be used by Agile Test Runner | |
GetApprovedRequestsDescription | Gets the collection of requests approved for check-in by the executing build. | |
GetBuildAgentDescription | Gets the current build agent object for the build agent scope that it is called in. | |
GetBuildDetailDescription | Gets the current build detail object for the executing build. | |
GetBuildDirectoryDescription | Gets the working directory for the current build agent and expands all environment variables. | |
GetBuildEnvironmentDescription | Gets information about the current build environment such as the host type and the location of the custom assemblies on disk. | |
GetChangesetsAndUpdateWorkItems | Copied from Task Resources Generating list of changesets and updating work items | |
GetChangesetsOnBuildBreak | Copied from Task Resources Generating list of changesets | |
GetException | One or more errors occurred while performing a Get operation. | |
GetIndexedSourcesError | Indexed source information could not be retrieved from {0}. Error: {1} | |
GetIndexedSourcesError_FileNotFound | The file could not be found. | |
GetIndexedSourcesError_NoSymbolIndexes | Symbol indexes could not be retrieved. | |
GetIndexedSourcesError_NoSymbolInformation | Symbol information could not be retrieved. | |
GetIndexedSourcesError_NoSymbolPdb | Symbol is not of type pdb. | |
GetIndexedSourcesMessage | Getting source files from {0}. | |
GetIndexedSourcesMessage_NoSourceInformation | The symbol {0} contains no source file. | |
GetRejectedRequestsDescription | Gets the collection of requests rejected from check-in by the executing build. | |
GetTeamFoundationServerDescription | Gets the Team Foundation Server object for the executing build. | |
GetWorkspaceDescription | Gets the Workspace object given the workspace name. | |
GetWorkspaceNameDescription | Specify the name of the workspace to retrieve. | |
GetWorkspaceThrowDescription | True if activity should throw WorkspaceNotFound exception when workspace doesn't exist. | |
HandleCompilationExceptionCreateWorkItemDescription | Specify whether or not to create a work item for this compilation error. | |
HandleCompilationExceptionDescription | Handle a compilation exception. | |
HandleTestExceptionDescription | Handle a test exception. | |
HandleTestExceptionExceptionDescription | Specify the exception which should be handled. | |
HandleTestExceptionFailBuildDescription | Specify whether or not the test failure should be treated as a build failure. | |
IndexSourcesDescription | Index Sources | |
IndexSourcesFileListDescription | The list of files to perform source indexing on. | |
InstallVSOnBuildMachineForCodeCoverage | Code coverage is enabled for the test run. Install Visual Studio on the following build machine to get code coverage results: {0}. | |
InvalidAgileTestPlatformDirectoryException | TF900547: The directory containing the assemblies for the Agile Test Runner is not valid '{0}'. | |
InvalidBuildType | TF42006: The build service could not get the project file for build definition {0}. Ensure the project file exists and the build service account {1} is a member of the Build Services group for the team project. | |
InvalidBuildTypeNoDownload | TF42018: The DoNotDownloadBuildType property is set to true but {0} does not exist. Set the DoNotDownloadBuildType property to false and run the build again or ensure that the file exists. | |
InvalidFormatString_Revision | The revision number {0} is allowed to occur only at the end of the format string. | |
InvalidMacroInBuildNumberException | Unable to expand the macro {0} specified in build number format | |
InvalidPropertyError | TF42094: A work item could not be created for build failure. Verify valid properties are specified as [name=value] pairs separated by ; in the WorkItemFieldValues property in TfsBuild.proj. | |
InvalidSearchPattern | The search pattern {0} is not a valid search pattern | |
InvalidWorkspaceMappingException | Invalid workspace mapping. Verify the BuildDirectory or SourcesDirectory properties have been set correctly. [ServerItem: '{0}' LocalItem: '{1}'] | |
InvokeForReasonDescription | Invoke these activities only if the Reason for the build is the same as the Reason property. | |
InvokeForReasonReasonDescription | The reason(s) that will cause these activities to execute. | |
InvokeProcessArgumentsDescription | Specify the command line arguments to pass to the process. | |
InvokeProcessDescription | Invoke an external command line and wait for it to finish. | |
InvokeProcessEnvironmentVariablesDescription | Specify any additional environment variables and their values. | |
InvokeProcessErrorDataReceivedDescription | Specify any actions you wish to take when an error is written from the process. | |
InvokeProcessFileNameDescription | Specify the name of the program that you want to run. | |
InvokeProcessOutputDataReceivedDescription | Specify any actions you wish to take when a message is written from the process. | |
InvokeProcessOutputEncodingDescription | Specify the encoding used for reading the output and error streams. | |
InvokeProcessWorkingDirectoryDescription | Specify the local working directory for the process. | |
ItemWarningFormat | {0}: ServerItem, {1}: Warning message {0}: {1} | |
LabelChildDescription | Specify the child for the version control label. | |
LabelCommentDescription | Specify the comment for the version control label. | |
LabelCreated | Label {0}@{1} (version {2}) was successfully created. | |
LabelDescription | Create a version control label | |
LabelException | One or more errors occurred while attempting to create a Label. | |
LabelItemsDescription | Specify the items that should be labeled. | |
LabelNameDescription | Specify the name of the version control label you want to create. | |
LabelRecursionDescription | Specify the recursion level to use when labeling the workspace. | |
LabelScopeDescription | Specify the scope of the label. | |
LabelVersionDescription | Specify the version for the label. | |
LabelWorkspaceDescription | Specify the workspace to label. | |
MacroDescription_BuildId | 1 | |
MappingConflictException | Unable to create the workspace '{0}' due to a mapping conflict. You may need to manually delete an old workspace. You can get a list of workspaces on a computer with the command 'tf workspaces /computer:%COMPUTERNAME%'. Details: {1} | |
MergeConflicts | There were merge conflicts for the shelveset {0} | |
MissingReshelvedShelvesetField | ||
MSBuildAdditionalVCOverridesDescription | If GenerateVsPropsFile is true, the contents of this string will be embedded into the generated VsProps file. | |
MSBuildConfigurationDescription | The (optional) configuration to be built for the specified project/solution. | |
MSBuildDescription | Build with MSBuild | |
MSBuildErrorException | MSBuild error {0} has ended this build. You can find more specific information about the cause of this error in above messages. | |
MSBuildGenerateVsPropsFileDescription | If true, the MSBuildActivity will generate a standard VsProps file for use in passing information to C++ projects. This file will include the Output directory for C++ projects and any AdditionalVCOverrides specified. | |
MSBuildLogFileDescription | Specify the name of the log file that MSBuild should create. | |
MSBuildLogFileDropLocationDescription | Specify the fully qualified UNC path where the specified project/solution compilation log file should be placed. | |
MSBuildLogFileLink | MSBuild Log File | |
MSBuildMaxProcessesDescription | Specify the maximum number of processes that MSBuild should create. | |
MSBuildNodeReuseDescription | Specify whether MSBuild nodes should remain after the build completes and be reused by subsequent builds. | |
MSBuildOutDirDescription | Specify the directory to which outputs will be redirected. | |
MSBuildPlatformDescription | The (optional) platform to be built for the specified project/solution. | |
MSBuildProjectDescription | Specify the project file to build with MSBuild. | |
MSBuildPublishCreatePackageOnPublishDescription | Specify whether to package the output when publishing. | |
MSBuildPublishDeployIisAppPathDescription | Specify the IIS Application path. | |
MSBuildPublishDeployOnBuildDescription | Specify whether to publish on build. | |
MSBuildPublishDeployTargetDescription | Specify the target site for deployment. | |
MSBuildPublishMSDeployPublishMethodDescription | Specify which MSDeploy method to use when publishing. | |
MSBuildPublishMSDeployServiceUrlDescription | Specify the publishing url endpoint. | |
MSBuildResponseFileDescription | Specify the response file to use. | |
MSBuildRunCodeAnalysisDescription | Specify whether code analysis should always be run, should never be run, or should be run according to project settings. | |
MSBuildScriptDescription | Script to execute MSBuild. This property cannot be set if the Project property is set. | |
MSBuildTargetsDescription | Specify the targets to build. | |
MSBuildTargetsNotLoggedDescription | Specify the targets for which project started events should not be logged. | |
MSBuildVerbosityDescription | Specify the verbosity of the file logger. | |
MSDeployAllowUntrustedCertificatesDescription | Specify whether to allow untrusted certificates at the publishing endpoint. | |
MSDeployPasswordDescription | Specify the password credential used for publishing. | |
MSDeployUserNameDescription | Specify the user name credential used for publishing. | |
MSTestCategoryDescription | Specify the filter used to select tests to run based on their test categories. You can use the logical operators & and ! to construct the filter(s), or the logical operators | and ! to filter the tests. | |
MSTestDescription | Run tests with MSTest | |
MSTestFlavorDescription | Specify the flavor of the build you want to publish results against. | |
MSTestFlavorNotSpecified | The MSTestActivity was invoked without a value for Flavor. The value {0} was used. | |
MSTestFlavorNotSpecifiedCantDefault | TF270011: The MSTestActivity was invoked without a value for Flavor. A default value could not be used because no projects were built with the {0} platform. | |
MSTestInvalidArgumentException | TF270008: The MSTestActivity was invoked without a value for either TestMetadata or TestContainers. | |
MSTestMaxPriorityDescription | Specify the maximum priority for test execution. Only tests whose priority is less than or equal to this value will be executed. Specify -1 if you do not wish to specify a maximum priority. | |
MSTestMinPriorityDescription | Specify the minimum priority for test execution. Only tests whose priority is greater than or equal to this value will be executed. Specify -1 if you do not wish to specify a minimum priority. | |
MSTestNoTestEntryPoint | App package '{0}' does not have test executor entry point. For executing unit tests for Windows apps, create app package using Windows app Unit Test Library project. | |
MSTestPathToResultsFilesRootDescription | Specify the root of the path to the results files. | |
MSTestPlatformAndFlavorCantDefault | TF270009: The MSTestActivity was invoked without a value for Platform and/or Flavor. Default values could not be used because no projects were built. | |
MSTestPlatformAndFlavorNotSpecified | The MSTestActivity was invoked without a value for Platform or Flavor. The values {0} and {1} were used. | |
MSTestPlatformDescription | Specify the platform of the build you want to publish results against. | |
MSTestPlatformNotSpecified | The MSTestActivity was invoked without a value for Platform. The value {0} was used. | |
MSTestPlatformNotSpecifiedCantDefault | TF270010: The MSTestActivity was invoked without a value for Platform. A default value could not be used because no projects were built with the {0} flavor. | |
MSTestPublishDescription | Specify whether test results should be published. | |
MSTestReturnedExitCode128 | Windows returned an exit code of 128 for MSTest.exe. In most cases this can be safely ignored. | |
MSTestRunTitleDescription | Specify the title of the test run to be published. | |
MSTestSearchPathRootDescription | Specify the root of the path that test containers should be searched for in. | |
MSTestTestConfigIdDescription | Specify the id of an existing test management configuration to associate with the published run. | |
MSTestTestConfigNameDescription | Specify the name of an existing test management configuration to associate with the published run. | |
MSTestTestContainersDescription | Specify the test containers to run tests from. | |
MSTestTestListsDescription | Specify the test lists that you want to run within the metadata file. | |
MSTestTestMetadataDescription | Specify the metadata file that you want to run tests from. | |
MSTestTestNamesDescription | Specify the names of the tests to run. If empty, all tests will be run. | |
MSTestTestSettingsDescription | Specify the test run configuration file to use. | |
MultipleMatchingLabels | Label '{0}' belongs to multiple team projects. The label should belong only to the team project being built. | |
MustHaveProjectOrScript | Project or Script must be set. | |
MustHaveWorkspaceName | WorkspaceName must be set and be 64 characters or less. | |
MustSetTestListOrTestContainersWithTestMetadata | At least one of TestMetaData, TestList or TestContainers must be set. | |
NoMatchesForSearchPattern | There were no matches for the search pattern {0} | |
NoPermissionToWriteWI | TF42098: A work item could not be created for build failure. The build service account does not have the permissions to save the work item. | |
NoShelvesetsToBuild | TF400921: No shelvesets could be unshelved for this build. The build will not proceed. | |
NoShelvesetToCheckinException | TF270012: There is no shelveset available to check in. | |
ProcessingLabels | Analyzing labels {0} and {1}. | |
PublishAgileTestResultsExceptionDetail | TF900548: An error occurred publishing the agile test results. Details: '{0}' | |
PublishLogFileException | TF270016: An error occurred publishing log files from '{0}' to '{1}'. Details: {2} | |
PublishSymbolsCommentsDescription | Specify transaction comments. These are recorded in the transaction history file in the symbol store. | |
PublishSymbolsDescription | Publish Symbols to a Symbol Server | |
PublishSymbolsFileListDescription | The list of files to publish to the symbol store. | |
PublishSymbolsFileNotFound | The symbols file {0} was not found. | |
PublishSymbolsLastIdFileNotFound | The file {0} was not found, so the transaction identifier will not be associated to this build. | |
PublishSymbolsNoFilesSelected | No files were selected for publishing. | |
PublishSymbolsProductNameDescription | Specify the product that the symbols belong to. This is recorded in the transaction history file in the symbol store. | |
PublishSymbolsStoreCompressedDescription | Set this value to True to store files in the symbol store as compressed files. Otherwise, files will be stored uncompressed. | |
PublishSymbolsStorePathDescription | Specify the file path of the symbol store. This should be a valid and accessible UNC path. | |
PublishSymbolsVersionDescription | Specify the version of the symbols being stored. | |
RejectedShelvesetFromCheckIn | Shelveset {0} for request {1} has been rejected from check-in. | |
RequestsFailedDescription | Specify an action to perform for failed requests in a gated check-in. | |
ResolvingConflict | Auto-merge succeeded for item {0}. | |
ResourceNameValidLength | The ResourceName must be specified and must be 256 characters or less. | |
RetryBuildRequestsBehaviorDescription | Specify the behavior to use when determining how to batch requests on retry. | |
RetryBuildRequestsDescription | Retry the specified build requests in a batch. | |
RetryBuildRequestsForceDescription | Force a retry operation even if there is only a single request in the original batch. | |
RetryBuildRequestsRequestsDescription | The requests which should be placed into the same batch and retried. | |
RetryingBuildRequest | Shelveset {0} for request {1} will be retried in a later build. | |
RetryingToUnshelve | Trying to unshelve the shelveset one more time '{0}' | |
RevertWorkspaceDescription | Revert all changes in a version control workspace | |
RevertWorkspaceWorkspaceDescription | Specify the version control workspace to revert. | |
RunOnceDescription | Run the child activities only one time for the name provided. | |
RunSettingsCodeCoverageAspNetAppsFormat | Default run settings with code coverage enabled for ASP.Net applications | |
RunSettingsCodeCoverageFormat | Default run settings with code coverage enabled | |
RunSettingsCustomFormat | Run settings from {0} | |
RunSettingsDefaultFormat | Default run settings | |
RunSettingsDescription | Run Settings to run tests. | |
RunSettingsForTestRunDescription | Specify run settings to be used for running the tests | |
RunSettingsForTestRunDisplayName | Run Settings | |
RunSettingsTypeDescription | Type of Run Settings. | |
RunTestsDescription | Run tests. | |
RunTestsExecutionPlatformDescription | Specify the target platform for test execution. | |
RunTestsExecutionTimeoutDescription | Specify a maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that the test run is allowed to take. | |
RunTestsFlavorDescription | Specify the flavor of the build you want to publish results against. | |
RunTestsFlavorNotSpecified | The RunTestsActivity was invoked without a value for Flavor. The value {0} was used. | |
RunTestsFlavorNotSpecifiedCantDefault | TF900544: The RunTestsActivity was invoked without a value for Flavor. A default value could not be used because no projects were built with the {0} platform. | |
RunTestsKeepAliveDescription | Specify whether or not to keep the test executor process alive after test run completion. | |
RunTestsPlatformAndFlavorCantDefault | TF900542: The RunTestsActivity was invoked without a value for Platform and/or Flavor. Default values could not be used because no projects were built. | |
RunTestsPlatformAndFlavorNotSpecified | The RunTestsActivity was invoked without a value for Platform or Flavor. The values {0} and {1} were used. | |
RunTestsPlatformDescription | Specify the platform of the build you want to publish results against. | |
RunTestsPlatformNotSpecified | The RunTestsActivity was invoked without a value for Platform. The value {0} was used. | |
RunTestsPlatformNotSpecifiedCantDefault | TF900543: The RunTestsActivity was invoked without a value for Platform. A default value could not be used because no projects were built with the {0} flavor. | |
RunTestsPublishDescription | Specify whether test results should be published. | |
RunTestsPublishResultsDescription | Specify whether or not to publish the results of the test to the team project collection. | |
RunTestsResultsDirectory | Specify the results directory to be used for test run. | |
RunTestsRunSettingsDescription | Specify the test run settings file to use. | |
RunTestsTestCaseFilterDescription | Specify test case filter for running subset of test cases. | |
RunTestsTestSourcesDescription | Specify the test sources to run tests from. | |
RunTestsUpdateFrequencyDescription | Specify the frequency of the TestCompleted event as the number of tests that must be completed before firing the event. | |
RunTestsUpdateFrequencyTimeoutDescription | Specify a timeout (in seconds) for the TestCompleted event. This will cause the event to fire when the timeout is reached and it is still before the event would normally fire. | |
ServerRunSettingsFileNameDescription | Specify the Run Settings file to use with the test sources. | |
ServerRunSettingsFileNameDisplayName | Run Settings File | |
SetBuildBuildNumberDescription | The new BuildNumber for the Build. | |
SetBuildCompilationStatusDescription | The new CompilationStatus for the Build. | |
SetBuildDropLocationDescription | The new DropLocation for the Build. | |
SetBuildKeepForeverDescription | Indicates whether or not this build should be included in retention policy evaluation. | |
SetBuildLabelNameDescription | The new LabelName for the Build. | |
SetBuildLogLocationDescription | The new LogLocation for the Build. | |
SetBuildPropertiesDescription | Set properties of the BuildDetail object for the current build. | |
SetBuildPropertiesToSetDescription | The properties to update for the Build. | |
SetBuildQualityDescription | The new Quality for the Build. | |
SetBuildSourceGetVersionDescription | The new SourceGetVersion for the Build. | |
SetBuildStatusDescription | The new Status for the Build. | |
SetBuildTestStatusDescription | The new TestStatus for the Build. | |
SharedResourceScopeDescription | Run Synchronously | |
SharedResourceScopeExpirationTimeDescription | Specify the amount of time the shared resource is required. A value of zero means there is no expiration on the shared resource lock. | |
SharedResourceScopeLockExpired | TF270013: SharedResourceScopeActivity '{0}' failed because the shared resource lock on '{1}' expired. The ExpirationTime has elapsed and there is contention on the lock. | |
SharedResourceScopeMaxWaitTimeDescription | Specify the maximum amount of time that you want to allow waiting for a shared resource to become available. The default value is zero which means there is no timeout. | |
SharedResourceScopeResourceNameDescription | Specify the name of the resource to lock. | |
SharedResourceScopeTimeoutException | TF270014: SharedResourceScopeActivity '{0}' timed out waiting for a lock on the resource '{1}'. | |
SkipActivityMessage | Skipped execution of {0} because of BuildReason {1} | |
SkippedAgileTestResult | Test {0} was skipped in the test run. | |
SourceAndSymbolServerSettings_IndexSourcesFormat1 | Index Sources and Publish Symbols to {0} | |
SourceAndSymbolServerSettings_IndexSourcesFormat2 | Index Sources | |
SourceAndSymbolServerSettings_SymbolStorePathFormat | Publish Symbols to {0} | |
SourceAndSymbolServerSettingsIndexSourcesDescription | Set this to true to perform source indexing as part of the build. Source indexing is never performed for private builds. | |
SourceAndSymbolServerSettingsIndexSourcesDisplayName | Index Sources | |
SourceAndSymbolServerSettingsSymbolStorePathDescription | Specify the path to the symbol store share. | |
SourceAndSymbolServerSettingsSymbolStorePathDisplayName | Path to Publish Symbols | |
StorePathMustBeValidUncPath | StorePath is required and must be a valid UNC path. | |
SyncWorkspaceAllowUnmappedDescription | Unshelve unmapped items | |
SyncWorkspaceAutoMergeDescription | Auto-resolve conflicts | |
SyncWorkspaceDeletesDescription | Returns the list of files deleted by version control. Only set if PopulateOutputs is true. | |
SyncWorkspaceDescription | Get sources from version control | |
SyncWorkspaceGetOptionsDescription | Specify the options to pass to the version control get operation. | |
SyncWorkspaceGetsDescription | Returns the list of new files retrieved from version control. Only set if PopulateOutputs is true. | |
SyncWorkspaceNoCIOptionDescription | Do not queue a CI build | |
SyncWorkspacePopulateOutputDescription | Specify whether or not the Gets, Deletes, and Replaces outputs should be populated. | |
SyncWorkspaceReplacesDescription | Returns the list of existing files replaced by version control. Only set if PopulateOutputs is true. | |
SyncWorkspaceVersionOverrideDescription | Specify the version of files to get. This value overrides the IBuildDetail.SourceGetVersion property. | |
SyncWorkspaceWorkspaceDescription | Specify the version control workspace to use. | |
TestDiscoveryInProgress | There is an active test discovery in progress. | |
TestFailureException | MSTest.exe returned an exit code of {0} indicating that not all tests passed. | |
TestRunCancelled | The test run was cancelled. | |
TestRunFailed | Test Run Failed. | |
TestRunPublishInProgress | There is an active test run publish in progress. | |
TestSpec_AgileCodeCoverageForAspNetAppsFormat | {0} - Test source file spec like **\*test*.dll Run tests in test sources matching {0} using default run settings with code coverage enabled for ASP.NET Applications | |
TestSpec_AgileCodeCoverageFormat | {0} - Test source file spec like **\*test*.dll with code coverage enabled Run tests in test sources matching {0} using default run settings with code coverage enabled | |
TestSpec_AgileDefaultRunSettingsFormat | {0} - Test source file spec like **\*test*.dll Run tests in test sources matching {0} | |
TestSpec_AgileExecutionPlatformFormat | , Target platform: '{0}' | |
TestSpec_AgileUserSpecifiedRunSettingsFileFormat | {0} - Test source file spec like **\*test*.dll; {1} filename of run settings file Run tests in test sources matching {0} using settings from {1} | |
TestSpec_AssemblyFormat1 | {0} - Assembly file spec like **\*test*.dll Run tests in assemblies matching {0} | |
TestSpec_AssemblyFormat2 | {0} - Assembly file spec like **\*test*.dll; {1} filename of testsettings file Run tests in assemblies matching {0} using settings from {1} | |
TestSpec_CategoryFormat | {0} - category filter string (the comma separates this from other properties and should be kept at the beginning of the format string) , Category: {0} | |
TestSpec_CommandLineArgsFormat | {0} - additional MSTest args (the comma separates this from other properties and should be kept at the beginning of the format string) , Arguments: {0} | |
TestSpec_FailsBuildFormat | , Fails build | |
TestSpec_MetadataFormat1 | {0} - Metadata filename Run all tests from {0} | |
TestSpec_MetadataFormat2 | {0} - Metadata filename; {1} comma separated list of tests lists to run Run tests from {0} (test lists: {1}) | |
TestSpec_PriorityFormat1 | {0} {1} - both are integer values (the comma separates this from other properties and should be kept at the beginning of the format string) , Priority: >= {0} and <= {1} | |
TestSpec_PriorityFormat2 | {0} - integer value (the comma separates this from other properties and should be kept at the beginning of the format string) , Priority: >= {0} | |
TestSpec_PriorityFormat3 | {0} - integer value (the comma separates this from other properties and should be kept at the beginning of the format string) , Priority: <= {0} | |
TestSpec_PublishedAs | {0} - the title the test run is published as (the comma separates this from other properties and should be kept at the beginning of the format string) , Published as '{0}' | |
TestSpec_RunNameFormat | {0} - | |
TestSpec_TestCaseFilter | , Test Case Filter: '{0}' | |
TestSpecAssemblyFileSpecDescription | Specify the search pattern for locating test assemblies - e.g. **\*test*.dll. | |
TestSpecAssemblyFileSpecDisplayName | Test Assembly Filespec | |
TestSpecCategoryFilterDescription | Use the specified filter to select tests to run based on the test category of each test. You can use the logical operators & and ! to construct your filter, or you can use the logical operators | and ! to construct your filter. | |
TestSpecCategoryFilterDisplayName | Category Filter | |
TestSpecFailBuildOnFailureDescription | Set this to true to fail any builds where these tests do not pass. The default is to mark the build as partially succeeded if the tests fail. | |
TestSpecFailBuildOnFailureDisplayName | Fail Build On Test Failure | |
TestSpecList_AgileSpecFormat | {0} - index of the test spec in the list (i.e. 1. Test Source) {0}. Test Source | |
TestSpecList_AssemblySpecFormat | {0} - index of the test spec in the list (i.e. 1. Test Assembly) {0}. Test Assembly | |
TestSpecList_MetadataFileSpecFormat | {0} - index of the test spec in the list (i.e. 1. Test Metadata File) {0}. Test Metadata File | |
TestSpecList_MultipleTestSpecsFormat | {0} - count of test specs in the list {0} sets of tests specified. | |
TestSpecMaximumPriorityDescription | Only tests whose priority is less than or equal to this value will be executed. In the process parameter grid, -1 indicates no maximum. | |
TestSpecMaximumPriorityDisplayName | Maximum Test Priority | |
TestSpecMetadataFileNameDescription | Specify the test metadata file. | |
TestSpecMetadataFileNameDisplayName | Test Metadata File | |
TestSpecMinimumPriorityDescription | Only tests whose priority is greater than or equal to this value will be executed. In the process parameter grid, -1 indicates no minimum. | |
TestSpecMinimumPriorityDisplayName | Minimum Test Priority | |
TestSpecMSTestCommandLineArgsDescription | Specify any other command line arguments that you want to pass to MSTest.exe. | |
TestSpecMSTestCommandLineArgsDisplayName | Additional Command Line Arguments | |
TestSpecRunNameDescription | Specify the name the test run is published as. | |
TestSpecRunNameDisplayName | Test Run Name | |
TestSpecRunSettingsFileNameDescription | Specify the Run Settings file to use with the test sources. This property has been deprecated. Use Run Settings property instead. | |
TestSpecRunSettingsFileNameDisplayName | Run Settings File | |
TestSpecTestCaseFilterDescription | Use the specified filter to select tests to run based on filter criteria. You can use the format <property>=<value> to construct your filter. You can also use the logical operator || to construct your filter. For example, TestCategory=Nightly||Priority=0 | |
TestSpecTestCaseFilterDisplayName | Test Case Filter | |
TestSpecTestListsDescription | Specify the test lists to run. | |
TestSpecTestListsDisplayName | Test Lists | |
TestSpecTestRunTitleDescription | Specify the title the test run is published as. | |
TestSpecTestRunTitleDisplayName | Test Run Title | |
TestSpecTestSettingsFileNameDescription | Specify the Run Settings file (or Test Settings file) to use with the test assemblies. | |
TestSpecTestSettingsFileNameDisplayName | Run Settings File | |
TfsBuildBinariesSubdirectoryDescription | The Binaries Subdirectory for the Build. | |
TfsBuildBuildDirectoryDescription | The directory to use for the Build. | |
TfsBuildConfigurationFolderPathDescription | Specify the configuration folder path that contains the TfsBuild.proj file. | |
TfsBuildDescription | Run an Upgraded Build Definition. | |
TfsBuildDoNotDownloadDescription | If True, the Contents of the ConfigurationFolderPath for the Build Definition Will Not Be Downloaded. | |
TfsBuildLogFilePerProjectDescription | If True, a Separate Log File Will be Generated for Each Project. | |
TfsBuildRecursionTypeDescription | Specify the type of recursion to use. | |
TfsBuildSourcesSubdirectoryDescription | The Sources Subdirectory for the Build. | |
TfsBuildTestResultsSubdirectoryDescription | The Test Results Subdirectory for the Build. | |
ToolCommandLineArgumentsDescription | Specify any other command line arguments that you want to pass to the tool. | |
ToolPlatformDescription | Specify the platform for the tool. Use Auto to detect the platform based on the current operating system. | |
ToolToolPathDescription | Specify the path to the tool. This value is optional. | |
TooManyLogsException | Could not construct a unique log file name for {0} (there are {1} already) | |
TreatTestAdapterErrorsAsWarningsDescription | Specify whether to treat the errors generated by test adapters as warnings or not. | |
TruncateWorkspaceName | The workspace name '{0}' exceeds the maximum allowed limit of '{1}' characters. Truncating it to match the maximum limit. | |
TryingToUnshelve | Trying to unshelve the shelveset '{0}' | |
TypeRunSettingsDescription | Select the type of run settings to use with test sources. | |
TypeRunSettingsDisplayName | Type of run settings | |
UnableToDetermineWorkspace | Error: Unable to determine the workspace. | |
UnableToFindTestPlatformCoreAssembly | TF900549: Could not find the installed extensions because the required testPlatform assemblies ({0}) are not available at '{1}'. | |
UnableToLoadTestPlatformCoreAssembly | TF400440: Could not run tests because unable to load the required testPlatform assemblies ({0}). | |
UnableToLoadTypePlatformCoreAssembly | TF400441: Could not run tests because unable to load the required type ({0}) form testPlatform assemblies ({1}). | |
UnableToUpdateWIField | TF42095: Failed to update '{0}' field. Error message: {1} | |
UnexpectedAgileTestPlatformException | TF900546: An unexpected error occurred while running the RunTests activity: '{0}'. | |
UnexpectedExitCodeException | TF270015: '{0}' returned an unexpected exit code. Expected '{1}'; actual '{2}'. | |
UnexpectedTFServerException | TF209026: An unexpected error occurred on the Team Foundation server {0}: {1}. | |
Unmapped | The item {0} has not been mapped. | |
UnshelveFailed | The shelveset {0} for request {1} could not be unshelved. | |
UpdateBuildNumberDescription | Update the build number matching a user-specified format string. | |
ValidationErrorFormat | {0}: {1} | |
VersionControlDropNotCloaked | The default drop location for this build {0} is not cloaked. This path will be retrieved and labeled for every build. This may slow down the builds for this definition. | |
VersionOverrideSetForValidateShelveset | A version override can not be specified on a shelveset build. | |
Win32ErrorMessage | Encountered Win32 error {0} from method {1}. | |
WindowsAppXLink | ||
WorkflowVariableNotSerializedIntoAgentScope | Skipped serializing workflow variable {0} into the AgentScope. | |
WorkItemAssignedTo | ||
WorkItemCreated | The work item '{0}' was created for failures in build '{1}'. | |
WorkItemDoesNotContainField | Copied from Task Resources TF42093: The work item {0} could not be updated with build information. The field {1} is not available on this work item. | |
WorkItemOtherException | ||
WorkItemUpdated | The work item '{0}' was updated with build label '{1}'. | |
WorkItemUpdateFailed | The work item '{0}' could not be updated: '{1}' | |
WorkItemWithFieldNotFound | TF42092: A work item could not be created for a failure in build '{0}'. Verify that the work item type '{1}' is supported in the team project '{2}' and has the field '{3}' defined. If you want to use a different work item type, modify the <WorkItemType> element in the TfsBuild.proj file. | |
WorkItemWithFieldNotFoundPlusException | TF42092: A work item could not be created for a failure in build '{0}'. Verify that the work item type '{1}' is supported in the team project '{2}' and has the field '{3}' defined. If you want to use a different work item type, modify the <WorkItemType> element in the TfsBuild.proj file. Additional information: {4} | |
WorkspaceMappingErrorPathVariableNotSet | The path variable '{0}' was not set but was used in the workspace mappings in the local path '{1}'. | |
WorkspaceNotFound | The workspace {0} does not exist. | |
WriteBuildErrorDescription | Log an error. | |
WriteBuildErrorMessageDescription | The error message to be logged. | |
WriteBuildInformationDescription | Log the public members of an object as Build Information. | |
WriteBuildInformationParentToBuildDetailDescription | Specify whether to parent the information generated to the Build Detail itself (true) or the parent of this activity (false). | |
WriteBuildInformationValueDescription | Specify the object you want to log. | |
WriteBuildMessageDescription | Log a message. | |
WriteBuildMessageImportanceDescription | The importance of the message to be logged. | |
WriteBuildMessageMessageDescription | The message to be logged. | |
WriteBuildTestErrorDescription | Log a test error. | |
WriteBuildTestErrorMessageDescription | The test error message to be logged. | |
WriteBuildWarningDescription | Log a warning. | |
WriteBuildWarningMessageDescription | The warning message to be logged. | |
WriteCustomSummaryInformationDescription | Write custom information to the Summary page of the Build Details View. | |
WriteCustomSummaryInformationMessageDescription | The custom message to be logged. | |
WriteCustomSummaryInformationSectionDisplayNameDescription | The display name you would like to use for the section. | |
WriteCustomSummaryInformationSectionKeyDescription | The key that identifies the section that you want to add the message to. This can be a new section or an existing section. | |
WriteCustomSummaryInformationSectionPriorityDescription | The priority this section should have. This value is used to sort the sections. A lower priority will sort above a higher one. |
Thread Safety
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
See Also
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities Namespace