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Provisioning Team Projects


PreEmptive Analytics for TFS User Guide
Provisioning Team Projects

Glossary Item Box

The PreEmptive Analytics aggregator service connects to your local Team Foundation Server installation to create and modify Incident work items in response to configured rules which can include criteria such as the type and quantity of exception reports received. To begin using this functionality, you must launch the Configuration Utility which will be used to connect to your Team Foundation Server and provision your team projects for use with PreEmptive Analytics.

Hh973133.hs-tip(en-us,VS.110).gif PreEmptive Analytics CE allows you to connect to a single Team Foundation Server project collection, and to provision up to two team projects for use with PreEmptive Analytics. To provision additional team projects, or to integrate with multiple team project collections or Team Foundation Server instances, you will need to purchase PreEmptive Analytics for TFS directly from PreEmptive Solutions. For more information, please visit or e-mail

Verify the aggregator service installation

  1. From the Start menu, launch the PreEmptive Analytics Configuration utility.
  2. The Aggregator Configuration URL will be displayed. If there is an error connecting to the Aggregator Configuration service, it must be corrected before you can proceed. See the Troubleshooting the Analytics Aggregator Service topic for steps in solving issues with the aggregator service.

Connect to team project collections

  1. Select the Team Foundation Servers node and click the + button.
  2. Choose one of the configured servers from the dropdown, or add a new Team Foundation Server by clicking the Servers... button.
  3. If the logged-in user does not have permissions to access the desired Team Foundation Server or team project collection, click the Use Different Credentials link and supply credentials with the desired permissions.
  4. Select the desired team project collection and click Connect.
    Hh973133.hs-caution(en-us,VS.110).gif Once you have created rules that reference this team project collection, you will not be able to delete it or change the Name or Fully Qualified URL fields without first removing all the rules that reference it.

Provision team projects for PreEmptive Analytics

Team projects must be provisioned to be used with PreEmptive Analytics. In the Team Projects list, each team project in the collection is displayed, along with its provisioning status. During provisioning, the Incident work item type and sample PreEmptive Analytics reports will be imported into the project template. The project will also be configured with settings that the PreEmptive Analytics Visual Studio extension needs in order to be able to configure exception sets and rules. To provision a team project for use with PreEmptive Analytics, click the Apply link next to the desired team project. Modifications made during the provisioning process can be rolled back by selecting the Remove link next to any provisioned team project.

See Also

Troubleshooting the Analytics Aggregator Service



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