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Member access operator, used to call methods on the owned COM object.

_detail::smart_com_ptr<_interface_type> operator->();

Return Value

A smart_com_ptr to the COM object.


Internally, QueryInterface is called on the owned COM object and any error HRESULT is converted to an exception by ThrowExceptionForHR.


This operator allows you to call methods of the owned COM object. It returns a temporary smart_com_ptr that automatically handles its own AddRef and Release.


This example implements a CLR class that uses a com::ptr to wrap its private member IXMLDOMDocument object. The WriteDocument functions uses operator-> to call the get_firstChild member of the document object.

// comptr_op_member.cpp
// compile with: /clr /link msxml2.lib
#include <msxml2.h>
#include <msclr\com\ptr.h>

#import <msxml3.dll> raw_interfaces_only

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
using namespace msclr;

// a ref class that uses a com::ptr to contain an 
// IXMLDOMDocument object
ref class XmlDocument {
   // construct the internal com::ptr with a null interface
   // and use CreateInstance to fill it
   XmlDocument(String^ progid) {

   // add a reference to and return the COM object
   // but keep an internal reference to the object
   IXMLDOMDocument* GetDocument() {
      return m_ptrDoc.GetInterface();

   // simplified function that only writes the first node
   void WriteDocument() {
      IXMLDOMNode* pNode = NULL;
      BSTR bstr = NULL;

      try {
         // use operator -> to call XML Doc member
         if (NULL != pNode) {
            // write out the xml
            String^ strName = gcnew String(bstr);
            Console::Write("<{0}>", strName);
            bstr = NULL;

            Console::Write(gcnew String(bstr));
            bstr = NULL;

            Console::WriteLine("</{0}>", strName);
      finally {
         if (NULL != pNode) {

   // note that the destructor will call the com::ptr destructor
   // and automatically release the reference to the COM object

   com::ptr<IXMLDOMDocument> m_ptrDoc;

// unmanaged function that loads XML into a raw XML DOM Document object
HRESULT LoadXml(IXMLDOMDocument* pDoc, BSTR bstrXml) {
   HRESULT hr = S_OK;
   VARIANT_BOOL bSuccess;
   hr = pDoc->loadXML(bstrXml, &bSuccess);
   if (S_OK == hr && !bSuccess) {
      hr = E_FAIL;
   return hr;

// use the ref class to handle an XML DOM Document object
int main() {
   IXMLDOMDocument* pDoc = NULL;
   BSTR bstrXml = NULL;

   try {
      // create the class from a progid string
      XmlDocument doc("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0");

      bstrXml = ::SysAllocString(L"<word>persnickety</word>");
      if (NULL == bstrXml) {
         throw gcnew OutOfMemoryException("bstrXml");
      // detach the document object from the ref class
      pDoc = doc.GetDocument();
      // use unmanaged function and raw object to load xml
      Marshal::ThrowExceptionForHR(LoadXml(pDoc, bstrXml));
      // release reference to document object (but ref class still references it)
      pDoc = NULL;

      // call another function on the ref class
   catch (Exception^ e) {
   finally {
      if (NULL != pDoc) {


Header file <msclr\com\ptr.h>

Namespace msclr::com

See Also

Other Resources

ptr Members